EU studies new sanctions regime to counter Russian hybrid threats

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BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Union (EU) member countries are seeking to establish a new sanctions regime to counter hybrid attacks such as sabotage, cyber activities and disinformation campaigns, draft conclusions of the Council showed on Wednesday. European Council.

European leaders will meet on Thursday and Friday to discuss key issues including the war in Ukraine, the Middle East, security and defense, as well as recent political events in Georgia.

Officials will also discuss a new framework to combat hybrid attacks that have increased over the past year.

“The European Council strongly condemns all types of hybrid activities, including intimidation, sabotage, manipulation and interference of foreign information, disinformation, malicious cyber activities and the instrumentalization of migrants by third countries,” can we read in the document.

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“In response to Russia’s destabilizing actions abroad, the European Council reiterates its call to advance work within the Council with a view to establishing a new sanctions regime.”

Lithuania, in particular, is pushing for a tougher approach from the EU to these attacks.

NATO declared itself in May “deeply concerned” by recent hybrid attacks attributed to Russia, which notably affected the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Kingdom -United.

The transatlantic alliance has accused Russia of being behind these attacks, accusations regularly denied by Moscow.

(Reporting Julia Payne; French version Dagmarah Mackos, edited by Blandine Hénault)


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