Euronext: electricity derivatives market with Nord Pool – 08/27/2024 at 10:36


( – Euronext announced on Tuesday its intention to create with the Nordic electricity exchange Nord Pool a new platform for derivative products on electricity prices in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

In a statement, Euronext explained that the project, called ‘Euronext Nord Pool Power Futures’, aims to promote liquidity, facilitate trading and meet the needs of the electricity community in the region.

‘The Nordic and Baltic electricity markets are showing recovery since the energy crisis, but initiatives are needed to consolidate and accelerate the recovery,’ said Tom Darell, CEO of Nord Pool.

The latter specifies having consulted at length with the partners of his company, which generates approximately 70% of all commercial electricity exchanges in the area.

“Their message is clear: they want to end the uncertainty surrounding the electricity derivatives segment by benefiting from a sufficiently liquid market,” he explains.

The system will be based on Optiq, Euronext’s proprietary trading technology, with clearing also provided on Euronext Clearing. Nord Pool will provide spot electricity prices.

A first test phase will be offered to customers from March 2025.


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