European elections in 2024, municipal elections in 2026… Emmanuel Macron is on all electoral fronts


While the president finalizes his speech on Europe scheduled for Thursday, he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to relaunch the campaign for the European elections and at the same time look towards the next electoral deadline: the municipal elections of 2026. Emmanuel Macron wants in particular to push some heavyweights from his camp to show up.

Macron is on all electoral fronts and anchoring Macronism in the territories before leaving the Élysée is the ambition of the head of state. “We must build dikes at the local level in the event that the RN takes power in three years,” even explains a minister, but it must be said that the presidential camp is starting from afar.

The last municipal elections in 2020 ended in dismal failure, particularly in large cities. And to avoid the reproduction of this scenario in 2026, Emmanuel Macron is working behind the scenes.

Applications in preparation

A member of the government confirms having recently received an SMS from the Head of State to encourage him to get started, while several figures from the macronie are already working on their candidacy. In the pipeline, we are therefore talking about the Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, in Paris, her colleague in charge of childhood, Sarah El Haïry in Nantes, the Minister of Public Accounts, Thomas Cazeneuve in Bordeaux and the Secretary of State to Veterans, Patricia Miralles in Montpellier.

In Lille, it is the MP Violette Spillbout who holds the rope, while the Secretary of State for the City, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache could tempt Marseille, even if some see the former Minister of the Interior more , Christophe Castaner, as head of the list in the Marseille city.

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