European Football Championship in Germany – The Euro24 and the strained summer fairytale – News

For weeks now, people in German society have been listening to whether the major event in their own country will once again be a summer fairytale – just like the legendary 2006 World Cup. There is obviously a great need for a repeat.

The fan mile is located right next to the superlative German goal, the Brandenburg Gate, where no 11-meter shot will ever go into the net – with its huge screen and artificial turf.

Curious people are already strolling around – the starting point is quite simple: some are not interested in football, others are passionate about it. The fans are looking forward to the atmosphere, to good cheer, to great games and cold beer.


The spectators on the fan mile are looking forward to the football summer.


The huge fan mile in the heart of the city with tens of thousands of people will once again be a major feature of the event.

Hope for a carefree summer fairytale

On the pitch, people are hoping for constant magic, and the whole country will experience a summer fairytale again – “carefree” is the magic word that resonates. Back in 2006, the collective joy and celebration were carefree.

One clings, so to speak, to the carefreeness of those days, which has something convulsive and irritating about it: because – children, listen up for a moment – ​​fairy tales are not true stories and, in the case of the story from 2006 in particular, the stardust has subsequently evaporated in nebulous machinations involving payments worth millions.

We deserve this.

The fact that the mood is different this time is demonstrated by the fact that Chancellor Olaf Scholz feels compelled to cheer up his people: “Don’t let the anticipation of this football festival, of this summer, be taken away from you.” And Economics Minister Robert Habeck of the Greens added in the magazine “Kicker”: “We deserve it.”

Fine line between patriotism and nationalism

Many Germans do not have a carefree attitude towards “black, red and gold” – and the shift in political preferences to the right is not particularly conducive to “relaxing” with the German flag. The line between harmless patriotism and politically charged nationalism is too thin. The political instrumentalization of everything and everyone in every direction is too great.

In addition, even if the war in Ukraine, fears of social decline and anger at the government are not constantly present, the fear of Islamist terrorist attacks is a constant threat to many people’s consciousness. Maybe no public viewing this time?

The German national team during training.


Carrying the hope of a nation: The German national team during training.

Keystone/Christian Charisius (archive)

The mood depends on many things: the German national team being eliminated early in the constant rain or, on the contrary, winning the cup with the most beautiful football in glorious summer weather.

In the end, many people will have had a great party, but many others won’t. That works just fine without a summer fairy tale. Now just let them play.

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