Europeans: demobilization, dispersion… The pitfalls to avoid for the favorite Jordan Bardella

Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credit: ARTHUR N. ORCHARD / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP
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06:52, May 20, 2024

In a more than comfortable position in the polls, Jordan Bardella, given winner of the European elections with more than 30% of the vote according to the polls, still has to overcome several obstacles. The head of the National Rally list wants in particular to avoid the demobilization of his electorate.

His campaign for the European elections so far looks flawless. Flattering polls, second place in the ranking of the most popular political figures behind Edouard Philippe, and 85% of his electorate certain to vote for him.

Jordan Bardella, head of the National Rally list, and who will be the guest of a special evening this Monday evening on Europe 1 and CNews, dominates the campaign at this stage, and is progressing in voting intentions, among voters who have remained hostile so far to Marine Le Pen, like executives or retirees.

Pitfalls to avoid

Given between 30 and 32% of voting intentions, he could achieve the best score for a head of the list in the European elections since 1984. But to confirm his favorite status on June 9, he will still have to overcome some major obstacles. . And avoid traps as the final sprint approaches and the crystallization of votes.

Forced to take risks despite a comfortable position as favorite, he will debate this week with Gabriel Attal, who could, more than Valérie Hayer, put him in difficulty on technical subjects. Three weeks before the election, Jordan Bardella is finally seeking to avoid two pitfalls: demobilization and the dispersion of his electorate, who could take his victory for granted. To face it, the boss of the RN must find the subtle balance between the prudence of the favorite and the spirit of conquest dear to his voters.

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