Europeans: Jordan Bardella “lies to the French”, says Valérie Hayer

Less than a month before the European elections, the National Rally (RN), led by its president Jordan Bardella, is credited with 31% according to the latest Opinionway barometer for The Sunday newspaper, Europe 1, and CNews, Valérie Hayer’s Macronist list garnering 16%. Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos this Sunday, Valérie Hayer warned voters: “Don’t let yourself be fooled” by the National Rally.

Jordan Bardella “does not want to resolve illegal immigration”

“I see the difference between the speeches on TV sets and the votes in Parliament. Jordan Bardella says ‘with me, everything will change, we will protect the French’. He did not vote for the recovery plan which made it possible to save hundreds of thousands of jobs in France […] Jordan Bardella lies to the French! He says that he is there to protect the interests of the French, but example with immigration, supposed to be his hobby horse: we negotiated a text in the European Parliament, he refused to vote for it because he does not want to resolve illegal immigration because it is his electoral fuel!”, affirmed the head of the Renaissance list.

To support her point, Valérie Hayer takes the example of Giorgia Meloni in Italy. “In the campaign, she said ‘with me, no more irregular immigration, I will sort everything out, I will set up a naval blockade’. A few months later, she calls on Europe for help,” she said. advance. “The Brexiters, same thing. They say ‘we are going to regain control, we are leaving the European Union, we are going to resolve the migration issue’. Today, irregular immigration is exploding in the United Kingdom .”

“I ask Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen to take responsibility for their Frexit project”

The Renaissance candidate also called for vigilance on the content of the National Rally program for the European elections. “Even if the extreme right, today, no longer says that it is in favor of a Frexit, because they understood that it was not popular with the French, everything in their program says that they are still the proponents of a Frexit in pieces”, she assured, subsequently listing some measures of the RN party such as the renationalization of the common agricultural policy, the exit from the European energy market, the end of contribution to the European budget.

“I ask Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen to take responsibility for their Frexit project. It is a disguised Frexit project which would be devastating for the French. They do not take it on. And so I say to the French, don’t be fooled,” she concluded. Struggling in the polls, Valérie Hayer has been trying for several days to remobilize her voters, supported by the entire government which has increased travel throughout France.

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