Europeans: Le Pen accuses Macron of “manipulating opinion” with Zelensky’s visit

Europe 1 with AFP

Volodymyr Zelensky’s invitation to the National Assembly is part of a “desire to manipulate opinion” just before the European elections, Marine Le Pen said on Wednesday, accusing Emmanuel Macron of “instrumentalizing” the Russian-Ukrainian conflict “to the point of nausea.”

The Ukrainian president, who will participate on Thursday in the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, is due to give a speech in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon on Friday morning. “I am delighted to welcome (him) to the Assembly, he is always welcome, but on Friday, a few hours before the end of the campaign” of the Europeans, “it is a desire to manipulate opinion” , declared Marine Le Pen on Sud Radio.

For the head of the National Rally, “Mr. Zelensky has nothing to do with it, but he was asked at the last moment to come and intervene for this purpose” and this is an “instrumentalization of the conflict in Ukraine on the part of by Emmanuel Macron.

An instrumentalization of Ukraine according to Le Pen

The head of state has “instrumentalized Ukraine for two years, he did it during the presidential campaign, he continues to do it, almost ad nauseam, it’s embarrassing,” she said. insisted. “Behind, there are tens of thousands of young men who are being massacred”, underlined the far-right leader, deeming it “deeply unworthy” to “try to take advantage of this on the electoral level”.

Marine Le Pen also accused the executive of “trying to take a political advantage” from the D-Day commemorations which should instead “be a moment of national unity”. Which, according to her, reinforces “the impression that there is no longer any morality at all in politics and (that) it is the doing of Emmanuel Macron”. Emmanuel Macron is criticized by the opposition for his intervention Thursday evening from Normandy on the 8 p.m. television news on TF1 and France 2.

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