Europeans: Manon Aubry criticizes Emmanuel Macron’s “politics of destruction” on ecology

The head of the European Insoumis list, Manon Aubry, denounced Emmanuel Macron’s “policy of destruction” on “ecological and climatic issues”, during a public campaign meeting on Saturday in Bordeaux. “In Paris as in Brussels, Macron makes great promises, but in practice, (it is) a policy of destruction and where it is most blatant is in ecological and climatic matters,” he said. declared the outgoing MEP in front of several hundred people – 700 according to the organizers – in a theater in the city.

“Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission, Editor’s note) have absolutely nothing to do with the climate catastrophe we are in. What are they doing? Signing with all their might free trade treaties and agreements for new oil drilling,” she added, while a well project is underway near Arcachon in Gironde.

Emmanuel Macron “disobeys European standards”

“How can we save the planet by bringing in milk from New Zealand, beans from Kenya or meat from Brazil?” launched the candidate, ensuring that the left-wing group that she co-chairs in the European Parliament had not given “no voice” in these trade agreements. The head of the LFI list then listed the “betrayals” of the President of the Republic, “self-proclaimed champion of the Earth”.

He “disobeys European standards in terms of renewable energies and air pollution”, “lets French solar panel companies die”, throws “in the trash a major thermal renovation plan and makes an agreement with Viktor Orban (Hungarian Prime Minister, Editor’s note) to consider gas as a green energy”, “with the arguments of the lobbies, the consent of Brussels and the support of the National Rally”, criticized Manon Aubry.

Aubry denounces the “liquidation” of SNCF rail freight

“His ‘Make our Planet great again’ (initiative launched by Emmanuel Macron in 2017 when the United States left the Paris Climate Agreement, Editor’s note), was to tell us that he would have the same policy energy and the same friends as Donald Trump,” she asserted. The candidate, credited with 7 to 8% of voting intentions, began her trip to Gironde, devoted to the theme of “ecological bifurcation”, with a visit to a marshalling yard. She denounced the “liquidation” of SNCF rail freight, open to competition, and the “overpriced” construction of the high-speed line between Bordeaux and Toulouse.

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