Europeans: Valérie Hayer only has one month left to convince voters, Emmanuel Macron gets involved

Mayalène Trémolet / Photo credits: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

Less than a month before the European elections, Valérie Hayer, the leading candidate of the Renaissance list, is still struggling in the polls, left behind by Jordan Bardella and closely followed by Raphaël Glucksmann. Emmanuel Macron therefore tries everything for everything by placing himself at the center of the campaign.

Less than a month before the European elections, it is clear that the list of the presidential majority is struggling to take off. Valérie Hayer, the leading candidate on the Renaissance list, is still struggling in the polls, credited with 15 to 17% compared to more than 30% for the National Rally list led by its president Jordan Bardella.

More speeches

Emmanuel Macron is therefore working hard for the home stretch. In recent weeks, the Head of State has increased his speeches in newspapers and on social networks. Again on Saturday, he answered questions from Internet users to try to mobilize young people: “There is one thing you can do for Europe, and that is to go and vote. You will choose a list with a European project […] What you can do for Europe is go vote and not give others the opportunity to choose your Europe. Choose it, June 9.”

Saturate the media space

The president’s strategy is clear: saturate the media space and talk about Europe off television to encourage his candidate. For her part, Valérie Hayer is trying as best she can to relaunch herself, supported by the entire government since at the request of Emmanuel Macron, the ministers are going to the front. Last Thursday, on the occasion of Europe Day, they deployed throughout France to encourage people to vote. Like Gabriel Attal, who set out to mobilize the Breton electorate in Morbihan.

The punchy actions which have only one goal, that of avoiding electoral humiliation on June 9 and reducing the gap with Jordan Bardella, the head of the RN list, who maintains a considerable lead in the polls .

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