Eurovision 2022: Ukraine big favorite, the Swedish singer all in transparency …

The big day is approaching! The great competition Eurovision 2022 will be held on Saturday, May 14, in Turin, Italy. At the controls of this highly anticipated show broadcast on France 2, Laura Pausini and Mika. While waiting for D-Day, all the candidates made the flashes of the photographers crackle during the opening ceremony of Eurovision.

All appeared more dazzling than each other. Swede Cornelia Jakobs went all out. In fact, she chose a completely transparent mesh dress revealing her black underwear and a flawless silhouette. Emma Muscat, who represents Malta, displayed herself in draped white outfit with maxi neckline, looking like a Greek goddess. More sober on the look side, the Ukrainians of the group Kalush Orchestra tread the carpet of the event dressed all in black, blue and yellow flags of their country in their hands.

Ukraine big favorite, France bets on Breton

Kalush Orchestra are the big favorites for Eurovision 2022. Because of their talent but also their touching story. Remember that the conflict in Ukraine is raging and that the organization of the competition has even taken a sanction against Russia, excluded because of this war. For his part, the host Mika can only join public opinion. Asked by TV 7 Days about his favorite candidates, he opens up with sincerity: “The Norwegians and their single, the Spanish singer… And when I see the Ukrainian group singing in the refugee camps, I find it particularly moving… A 2023 edition of Eurovision in kyiv would be a great symbol, wouldn’t it?

The coach of The Voice (TF1) does not mention the French group… Alvan and Ahez, who will represent France in the Eurovision final with the song Fulenn, are not unanimous. It must be said that they sing in Breton and offer a show worthy of the oldest Celtic legends. And that doesn’t appeal to everyone… A choice they explain to TV 7 Days : “Breton is our heart language, the one in which we have always sung. For us, it’s not natural to sing in French or in English. It is also an opportunity to highlight all the wealth of the regions of our country. We are proud to be French, and proud to be Breton.

While waiting to find out who will succeed the Italian rockers Maneskin, big winners last year in Rotterdam, let’s wish them good luck! Perhaps Alvan and Ahez will bring the long-awaited title to France, victorious for the fifth and last time in 1977 with Marie Myriam and her hit The Bird and the Child.

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