Evergrande suspends its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

HONG KONG, Jan. 3 (Reuters) – The financially troubled Chinese real estate giant China Evergrande Group announced that it would suspend its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Monday ahead of the release of “news privileged “, without giving further details.

Evergrande, which is drowning in global debt estimated at more than $ 300 billion, once again failed to honor the lucky bond coupon payments that arrived on Thursday, for a total amount of $ 255 million, although the group is a grace period of 30 days.

According to the Chinese press, the government of the seaside town of Hainan on December 30 ordered Evergrande to demolish its 39 apartment buildings within ten days because of illegal work. No comments were made by the real estate glove. (Reporting Clare Jim; French version Jean Terzian)

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