“Every day, we will reach out”: Guillaume Peltier calls for the union of the rights

At first glance, Éric Zemmour is the only one to plead for a union of rights. The defeated candidate in the presidential election observes that around him, in Europe, the right and the extreme right combine to win the elections. In Sweden, in Denmark, in Italy… In six weeks, the alliance of the radical rights was carried out three times, including two successfully, but in France, that does not take. However, Guillaume Peltier, executive vice-president of Reconquête, remains optimistic and bases himself on the following example: “Ten years ago, Giorgia Meloni, did not even cross 5%, it was twice less than we today and yet, today, she is the president of the Italian Council”, he declared on Europe 1.

“We believe that Reconquest because it is this original and unique party which defends the civilizational right, which defends and promotes this union of rights, which mixes a discourse that is both liberal and protectionist on the economic level, because we have this originality, we are this pivotal party which will be able, with the people of good will of the National Rally and the Republicans “to work for the France of tomorrow. “I appeal to all RNs and all LRs, let’s build this union of rights and patriots!” he continued.

“Opposing for the sake of opposing makes no sense”

Can the Republicans, the National Rally and Reconquest form an alliance? Difficult to say in a French system where the presidential figure is privileged to the parliamentary system. According to a study by the Cluster 17 polling institute, RN and Reconquest voters are in favor of a rapprochement. On the other hand, LR voters are more reluctant, as are certain party figures. The union of rights has “no” future, said Senator LR Bruno Retailleau, candidate for the presidency of his party.

However, “every morning and every evening, every day that God makes, we will reach out to the RN and the LRs to build this union”, informed Guillaume Peltier on Europe 1. “I just say to the RN as to the LR, for some they have 89 deputies, for the others 62 deputies, that’s good, it’s better than us. that is to say, the absolute majority to govern France. Opposing just to oppose makes no sense. Tomorrow, governing France to save our homeland, that’s a fine vocation”, he concluded.

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