At the start of filming for Episode I of the Star Wars saga, the young actor who plays Obi-Wan Kenobi was able to choose his own lightsaber!
At the end of the 90s, there was a real excitement in the Star Wars fan community: 15 years after Return of the Jedi, George Lucas was preparing three new episodes that were supposed to explore the past of his protagonists and the origins of Darth Vader.
A dream for all Star Wars fans
At that time, for all the spectators who had grown up with the adventures of Luke, Leia and Han Solo, the luckiest young man in the world was called Ewan McGregor.
Aged around 26, this British actor, revealed thanks to Trainspotting, had in fact been chosen by George Lucas to play one of the most legendary heroes of the saga: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
But as if playing the young Jedi while starring opposite Liam Neeson wasn’t enough, McGregor was also given an experience that every Star Wars fan has dreamed of one day: choosing his own lightsaber.
“It’s a moment I’ll never forget.”
So, in a short making-of video that recently resurfaced online, we can see him trying out different saber handles designed by the film’s prop masters. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks.”he exclaims, wearing a broad smile.
Many years later, on the official Star Wars Youtube channelEwan McGregor recalled that special day:
“For me, the first big experience was going to the studio where we were filming [La Menace fantôme]“he confided. “The prop master brought out a big chest and he looked me in the eye, he opened the chest and I got to pick out Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber. So that’s a moment I’ll never forget.”
(Re)discover all the hidden details in “The Phantom Menace”…
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