"Everyone wants to take their place": Nagui taken aback by the naughty joke of a candidate: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Whether in Do not forget the lyrics or Everyone wants to take its place, the two shows he hosts on France 2, Nagui always takes great pleasure in talking with his candidates in order to get to know them better. Monday June 1, 2020, the presenter of Taratata first laughed a lot with Aurélien, one of his candidates who shared with Mélanie Page's husband his passion for pranks. As the magazine reports Here is, the latter recounted how he once had fun hiding flour in the hair dryer of a friend while he was on his way to a job interview. He also confessed to having been fooled by a family member who had concealed a cube of chicken broth in his shower head …

Such is taken who thought he was taking

It was then the turn of Jérôme, a magician by profession, to appear in Nagui. To do so, the young man has performed a magic trick including a wand and colored pompoms on set. At the end of the round, the candidate explained that the only way to make the pom-poms meet was to rub against each other and therefore "give each other love". To which the host could not help replying:"If we could do that with all the pompoms..."While he was going to continue the program and ask Jerome more questions, the latter simply replied:"It depends on the wand! "A remark that Nagui did not expect and that made him laugh a lot.

Read also : "Everyone wants to take their place" soon stopped? Nagui's explanations