EXCLUDED Jeane Manson suffers heart attack after confronting Coline Berry in court, singer hospitalized

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On May 7, 2024, Coline Berry-Rojtman once again faced her ex-mother-in-law Jeane Manson and those close to her father Richard Berry at the Lyon Court of Appeal in the lawsuit she filed against them for “rape of a 15-year-old minor by ascendant, sexual assault of a 15-year-old minor, and corruption of a minor, committed in 1982 and 1986“. The actor was absent due to filming.

According to our information, after the end of the trial, around midnight, Jeane Manson felt herself leaving the Lyon court and was outside the building in the presence of her lawyer. Once on site, the firefighters noticed a heart attack although vagal discomfort was initially considered and evacuated her on life support to the hospital. The 73-year-old American singer is still on cardiac assistance this morning at St Joseph hospital in Lyon. Followed for several weeks for heart failure, the American singer will be joined by her cardiologist this afternoon at the hospital.

For its part, the AFP (which relayed this information after Purepeople), provides further details. Jeane Manson suffered a heart attack. The firefighters confirmed that he was treated in the evening for “chest pain”. She was rescued.”by the firefighters“in the precincts of the court of appeal, then hospitalized”in critical condition“, according to the artist’s agent.”His condition is weak” And “an intervention is scheduled today“, he told AFP.

The former American partner of Richard Berry left the courtroom quickly in the evening, visibly very agitated, when her lawyer was to take the floor for his plea, noted an AFP journalist.

Shortly after the announcement of Jeane Manson’s heart attack, her agent Fabien Lecoeuvre spoke to BFMTV. “His days are no longer in danger and his vital prognosis is not in jeopardy.“, he said. Jeane Manson remains hospitalized for a few days in Lyon, his manager Sophie Courbou-Geniatti also declared to AFP. So reassuring news…

Jeane Manson once again denies Coline Berry’s accusations

Jeane Manson said she was distressed by Coline Berry’s accusations during the trial, the hearing of which was set for July 17 at 1:30 p.m. “When she says all this nonsense, it hits me! She says that I did things with my breasts (the cymbal mime), that she had to lick her father’s penis (Richard Berry) , that I walked around the house naked, that I was in a pedophile sect The Children of God All this is false!“, she declared to the Lyon Court of Appeal as reported by Parisian. During the hearing Tuesday, Jeane Manson repeated “I’m not a rapist, not a liar“.”I’m a victim, I haven’t slept in three years“, she repeated. Her lawyer Jacques Verdier denounced a “revenge“by Coline Berry-Rojtman against her father, including her client”appears as a collateral victim“.

Indeed, Coline Berry-Rojtman had indicated that when she “was between 6 and 10 years old, her father regularly walked around naked and erect in front of her and made her participate, with her partner at the time, Jeane Manson, in the ‘orchestra game’: while Jeane Manson mimed cymbals with her breasts, Coline had to play the flute or the trumpet with her father’s erect penis” specify our colleagues.

Coline Berry-Rojtman maintained her position: “For me, this is the most blatant injustice because I am being prosecuted for having denounced the facts of which I was a victim.” “She must be protected“, insisted one of the defense lawyers, Patrick Klugman, at the close of the proceedings, calling on the court to “stop this scandal“.

For her part, the actor’s sister, Marie Berry, said she was “outraged“by Coline’s words: “I am outraged by the accusations made by my niece (…) She is a manipulator. When she was little, she tended to tell a lot of tall tales. In the family we called him Coco la mytho”. For his part, Marilou Berry clearly showed her support for Coline.

The legal case between Richard and Coline Berry relaunched

As a reminder, Coline Berry-Rojtman’s complaint resulted in a dismissal of proceedings for limitation in August 2022. Jeane Manson subsequently filed a complaint for defamation against Coline Berry. This decision was confirmed by the Riom Court of Appeal (Puy-de-Dôme) a few months later. But in December 2022, the Court of Cassation finally annulled these decisions, thus postponing a new hearing until May 7, 2024.

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