EXCLUDED. Slimane cash on his weight loss “in reality I have been yo-yoing since the age of 13”

The coach of season 9 of The Voice Kids reveals in an interview his secrets to be well in his body. Long complexed, Slimane seems to have finally found a balance.

Coach of the 9th season of The Voice Kids broadcast every Tuesday on TF1, Slimane has also launched its own brand of hair care Cousins.es. Long complexed by his psoriasis, the singer has imagined a range of products specially designed for sensitive scalps. “I created my formula by adding Castor Oil and Aloe Vera. Quickly, I realized that my psoriasis was getting better, that my hair was more beautiful, shinier, my curls more supple, more defined.”explains the father of little Esmeralda.

In an interview, Slimane tells us aboutanother of his complexes: his weight. “In fact, I’ve been yo-yoing since I was 13…” confides the singer to us. If he suffered from weight problems when he was younger, but also from gynecomastia, the singer seems to have found a balance today. He reveals to us his tips for feeling good about yourself and in his head.

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“It’s all in the head”

To be well in his body before a concert tour or an important filming, the singer has set up a very particular ritual: “My life, for several years, has been punctuated by tours. A concert is a real meeting during which I give myself entirely to the public. In general, 3 months before each tour, I train progressively and intensive to be ready.” explains Slimane.

But the most important thing for him remains his mental health: “What I take away from all this is that everything happens in the head. Of course, you have to pay attention to your diet and your health. But Self-esteem is much more important than having a thin waist or big pecs. This pressure to meet the standards is terrible. Especially since each country, each culture, has its own criteria of beauty. So let’s start by looking at each other with kindness and love!

Head of beauty section

Passionate about the world of beauty, Inès likes to decipher the latest make-up, care and hair trends and unearth the best products on the market. It offers selections adapted to all …

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