EXCLUDED. Sophie Marceau evokes in half-words the “last part of her life”

On the poster for I love America, Sophie Marceau confided in your magazine Télé Star – on newsstands this Monday, March 7 – on the empty nest syndrome and the “last part of her life”.

It took time for Sophie Marceau to digest the failure of her third film as a director, Mrs. Mills, such a perfect neighbor. “I was not in a desire for cinema. A lot has happened in my life over the past few years. As much as I don’t update on my phone, I have a regular need to refocus. It was time. (…) I needed time for me, I gave it to myself“, she explained in the columns of the Sunday newspaper last July. After three years of total absence, the favorite personality of the French finally finds the dark rooms. And this, to the delight of his fans. So she was overwhelming in poignancy Everything went well by François Ozon – selected at the Cannes Film Festival -, and there is no doubt that it will be just as fair in A woman of our time by Jean-Paul Civeyrac, which is expected for this year.

In the meantime, it is on Amazon Prime Video that lovers of romantic comedies will be able to find the one that has capsized the hearts of many French people since The party. After LOL and An encounter, Sophie Marceau has renewed her confidence in Lisa Azuelos For the movie I love America, available from March 11. On this occasion, the sublime 55-year-old actress gave us an interview – to be found in your magazine TV Staron newsstands this Monday, March 7. Sophie Marceau evokes the syndrome of the empty nest – theme addressed in this feature film. It must be said that she particularly knows what she is talking about, since her children, Vincent Zulawski and Juliette Lemley are now respectively 26 and 19 years old. “It’s in order of things. Children grow up, then they leave“, estimates with philosophy this mother attentive to the desires of her offspring. And to wonder: “For 20 or 30 years, we started a family and we find ourselves with the last part of our life to fulfill. How to approach it? Like everyone, I ask myself the question“.

Does Sophie Marceau still believe in true love?

Sophie Marceau still has an answer. She has no choice but tounaccustomed to [ses] habits, that I work on myself, on the fact that life is made of evolutions and changes“. In contrast, no question of changing at all for all that. If she “admire a lot“Those who dare to cast off and start from scratch, she does not see herself drawing a line under her Parisian life. “I like to explore the world but today I don’t see myself living abroad“, explains to us the one who lived in America, England and Poland and who “also been away from home [elle] for filming needs“.”I like it a lot but I don’t have this call from elsewhere. Me elsewhere, it is not necessarily far“, says the actress. As for great love, “anything can happen at 50on the condition of not having too many burdens on the shoulders, of having understood the errors of the past and of knowing where we are“, promises us the one who has been spinning the perfect love since July 2020 with Richard Caillat.

Interview to be found in full in your Télé Star magazine on newsstands and in digital version this Monday, March 7


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Francois Ozon, Sophie Marceau and André Dussollier
This is a theme addressed in his latest film, available from March 11 on Amazon Prime Video.


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Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau particularly knows what she is talking about, since her children, Vincent Zulawski and Juliette Lemley are now each aged 26 and 19.


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Sophie Marceau
“It’s in the order of things. The children grow up, then they leave”, considers with philosophy Sophie Marceau


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Sophie Marceau
And to wonder: “For 20 or 30 years, we founded a family and we find ourselves with the last part of his life to fill. How to approach it? Like everyone else, I ask myself the question”


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Sophie Marceau
Nevertheless, Sophie Marceau seems to have an answer


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Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau has no choice but to “get used to [ses] habits, that I work on myself, on the fact that life is made of evolutions and changes”


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Sophie Marceau
No question for Sophie Marceau to change at all for all that


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Sophie Marceau
If she “greatly admires” those who dare to cast off and start from scratch, Sophie Marceau does not see herself drawing a line under her Parisian life


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Sophie Marceau
“I like to explore the world but today I don’t see myself making my life abroad”, explains Sophie Marceau.


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Sophie Marceau
As for the great love, Sophie Marceau ensures that it is quite possible to live it past the fifty

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Sophie Marceau
“Anything can happen at 50, provided you don’t have too many burdens on your shoulders, have understood the mistakes of the past and know where you stand”, promises Sophie Marceau

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