EXCLUDED “The truth is that…”: David (Koh-Lanta 2024) talks about this scene not seen on TV causing tensions

Tuesday May 14, 2024, David was eliminated from Koh-Lanta, The Immunity Hunters. The butcher from Alsace left the famous TF1 survival game after an altercation with Amri on the board. But his adventure is not limited to these ending tensions. The reasons for his elimination, Meïssa’s betrayal, the criticism, the identity of the winner according to him… David speaks without filter to Purepeople.com.

Why do you think your comrades voted against you on the council?

It’s obvious: they voted against me because I chose Sébastien in my team in the comfort game. It displeased everyone. I knew it, it wasn’t a big surprise to me. When discussing the camp, we all agreed that we would do everything to ensure that the returning candidate did not win any games. The goal was to stay between us. I validated the idea, I even put it forward, there is no problem. Except that at one point I changed my mind because I wanted to gain comfort with people I liked. Sébastien was one of them. I didn’t want to be with Meïssa who had betrayed us, he didn’t deserve it in any way. Julie was with me from the start and the rest was just blips. So I chose Sébastien with his great values, regardless of the consequences.

Do you understand their point of view?

I understand, yes and no. They wanted at all costs that Sébastien or Aurélien not return for the simple reason that they were stronger than the others. Giving them an advantage was not right. And I have always said: to conquer without danger, we triumph without glory. I wanted to keep the best by my side. For me, Sébastien was the best, no discussion possible.

Why did you vote against Amri?

Because Meïssa had the immunity totem. I liked the girls, Amri no more than that. It was him or me. And then he had betrayed Sébastien, who had turned against him.

In front of the camera, you call him “liar“, “manipulator” Who “does not take responsibility for his actions“. What pushed you to such reflection?

During the council, they discussed the strategy of voting immediately against the candidate who was returning without assuming anything. For me, Amri and Meïssa have always lied. During the elimination of Sébastien and Aurélien, when their alliance came to light, they denied it outright, trying to make the others look like liars. Amri is not fair. Even in his behavior with Léa. He has never put her forward and when she starts to win she interests him. I didn’t find it beautiful, I didn’t support it.

After the first tie, what outcome do you expect?

It was a bit too much because we knew very well how it was going to end. We knew there would be a tie and that in the second round we would lose the black vote and I would come out. But it did me good, I felt relieved to leave. I was tired of this constant pressure, of living with people lying around me, I no longer knew who to talk to because I had lost all my allies. It was not easy to continue in these conditions.

When Sébastien takes out his necklace, what is going through your head?

We discussed it, I told him that I was sure they would vote against me. I offered to play a gamble by giving me his necklace. It would have changed the whole game. At that moment, he didn’t have it in hand yet, he was super stressed, he didn’t know if he was going to find it… We didn’t understand, we thought he already had it. And in the end he didn’t dare. We’re not all good poker players. I can’t blame him. Would I have done it at that time? I don’t know. But I don’t blame him, I even give him my black vote.

At the council, Amri assures that the idea of ​​eliminating Sébastien comes from you, which you deny. What about it?

The truth is there was a group discussion and everyone agreed. You see me saying it so I accept it, I have no problem with it. Except that at some point we question ourselves. That’s also intelligence, to ask yourself if I really want to continue with Meïssa or Amri. The answer was no: I rather wanted to move forward with Sébastien who has values ​​and who is deserving. We were unanimous, we all wanted to eliminate the returning candidate. But it’s only idiots who don’t change their minds.

By voting against you, Amri says you are “the champion of hypocrisy“. What do you have to answer?

That makes me smile. Because if you think about everything, have I only put forward a strategy once in the game? To wonder what was said off-camera or not… I never played a strategy, I never played a hypocrite. People believe what they want. I’m not going to fight to prove what really happened.

Meïssa broke away from the ex-reds after feeling little listened to. What do you think about this ?

I found it pitiful. He always had beautiful words, we always listened to him. Except that we made decisions as a group, we voted and the majority won. This is the strength of a team: we lose together, we win together. And I want to say that we were not mistaken, we were just fooled by Meïssa who gave our voting intentions to Amri. For me, Meïssa just gave a false excuse. He just wanted to play the victim when he was far from being one.

On social media, some are wondering how did you manage to get to this stage of the game?without having won a single event“. What do you have to answer?

What’s funny is that if you think about it, since reunification there haven’t been many candidates who have won a test. Meïssa, for example, was often behind me. I’m always a little better placed than him. But people might be after me. Pauline didn’t win anything either, Julie the same. There are plenty of them who haven’t won anything and haven’t shone either. I want to say that it is often the less good ones who stay at the end because it is easier to win against them than against the strongest. And then, if I stayed until here it’s also for my sympathy, people don’t see that.

Others find that you are too easy to criticize, that you are “too big mouth“. What do you think ?

I’m a business manager, I manage 90 people, I’m a leader in my football and rugby teams, so it’s my daily life. They are not wrong. I’m a big mouth and I own it. At least I say things. But what I find unfortunate is that people only point out the negative. We also have to look at the good things that are being said.

Have you felt a Koh-Lanta effect in your butcher shops?

Secretly, we talked about it at the camp with Pauline (who is a cheese maker, editor’s note). We said to ourselves that it would bring in a lot of people. And in the end, nothing at all (laughs). Customers are proud, they say: “It’s my butcher on TV!“But that’s all. Oh yes, once some tourists were passing through Alsace and wanted to come see me. But they didn’t buy anything, they just took a photo. On the other hand, in the street people recognize me, take pictures. It’s really nice moments.

Who do you think should win? Koh Lanta ?

For me, it’s Sébastien who must win. After Jean, he is the most deserving. He is frank, good at challenges. On the camp, he exerts himself. I would like him to be the winner. Or Julie, because she’s a red (laughs).

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