Exclusion in Colorado: Supreme Court rules on Trump’s election ban

Exclusion in Colorado
Supreme Court rules on Trump’s election ban

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Can Donald Trump run for the US presidency again? Two US states say no and want to exclude the Republican from the primaries. As expected, the Supreme Court is now taking up the issue.

The US Supreme Court intervenes in the legal dispute over Donald Trump’s participation in the primaries for the Republican presidential nomination. The Supreme Court announced that it would take up a corresponding request from the former US president and current presidential candidate. The case is scheduled to be heard on February 8th in the court in the capital Washington.

Trump had recently turned to the court to overturn a decision from the state of Colorado that disqualified him from the primary election in 2021 due to his role in the attack on the US Capitol. A similar decision recently followed in the state of Maine. Corresponding lawsuits from Trump opponents are still ongoing elsewhere. They argue, citing the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, that the Republican has lost his right to run for president again. Corresponding lawsuits have already been rejected in Michigan and Minnesota. Trump’s lawyers argue that Congress alone has the authority to decide whether he is fit for office.

Based on the latest decisions in the states, it was considered very likely that the matter would ultimately come to a decision by the Supreme Court in Washington. During his term in office, Trump shifted the majority on the US Supreme Court significantly to the right. Six of the nine judges now come from the conservative camp, three of whom were appointed by Trump. However, the Supreme Court did not always rule in his favor.

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