EXCLUSIVE – (Re)live the 70 years of reign of Elizabeth II with the archives of Europe 1

European 1
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1:35 p.m., June 03, 2022

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the reign of Elizabeth II, Europe 1 has delved into its archives to bring you to life the seven decades spent by the daughter of George VI on the British throne. An exclusive document, entitled “God saves the Queen” to (re)live the most significant events of what is already one of the longest reigns in history.


70 years of reign, in archives. As the Platinum Jubilee festivities of Elizabeth II are in full swing in the kingdom where the Union Jack floats, Europe 1 has decided to open its archives to tell you about the seven decades on the throne of the daughter of George VI in an exclusive document entitled God save the Queen. A jubilee all the more special since no British sovereign has ever reigned as long as Elizabeth II. It is unlikely that another will achieve such longevity: Charles, the crown prince is 73 years old, who is increasingly taking over, and his son William will soon be 40.

A historic jubilee

Guest of Europe 1, the specialist in royalty, Stéphane Bern, also recalled that “in two years, it will exceed the record of our sovereign Louis XIV”. For this jubilee, pennants, flags and giant portraits have been hung in the streets all over the United Kingdom. The windows are filled with souvenirs and the sales of alcohol and typically “British” cakes have exploded. Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Queen will light in the evening, remotely from Windsor Castle where she resides, a 21-metre-high tree-shaped sculpture located in front of Buckingham Palace.

Producer: Sebastien Guidis

Archives/Documentation: Sylvaine Denis – Laetitia Casanova – Benoit Muckensturm

Musical research: Benoit Valentin

Visual: Sidonie Mangin

Art Direction: Xavier Jolly

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