Exonerated, foilist Ysaora Thibus launches into a race against time for Paris 2024

A “huge relief”: this is what French fencer Ysaora Thibus felt when she learned, Tuesday, May 21, that the disciplinary tribunal of the International Fencing Federation (FIE) did not hold against her any fault contravening its anti-doping regulations. The 2022 foil world champion had been suspended since February 8 following a positive test for ostarine – an anabolic agent – ​​carried out during the Parisian stage of the Foil World Cup, the Mazars Challenge, in January.

Read also | Fencer Ysaora Thibus, suspended after a positive doping test, fights the fight of her life to continue dreaming of the Paris Olympics

With the support of experts and a lawyer, Ysaora Thibus pleaded “body fluid contamination” by his companion, the former American foilist Race Imboden. A line of defense previously adopted by other athletes who have undergone positive doping tests, such as tennis player Richard Gasquet. She submitted to additional analyses, notably of the hair, to demonstrate that she had not taken any prohibited substances and Race Imboden admitted for its part to having used food supplements containing ostarine.

The couple even carried out a careful rehearsal of the twenty-four hours preceding the positive test in order to provide proof that the contamination could have occurred through everyday actions. This demonstration undoubtedly contributed to convincing the disciplinary body of the innocence of the Olympic team vice-champion.

“It’s a lot of emotion and a lot of joy, she reacted to Agence France-Presse. I felt such a weight these last few months. (…) I always wanted to win in a certain way, in accordance with my values. It is important that my integrity is recognized. »

Three weeks to appeal

Even though the French Fencing Federation had assured her that she would be automatically selected for the Paris Olympic Games if her suspension was lifted, Ysaora Thibus is not yet completely certain of being able to compete in the women’s foil events at the Grand Palace, July 28 and 1er august. The FIE disciplinary tribunal must still officially notify him of its decision within fifteen days, then the FIE and the World Anti-Doping Agency will have three weeks to appeal.

Such an appeal would be suspensive, which would have the effect of preventing the Frenchwoman from competing in the European Championships, organized in Basel (Switzerland) from June 18 to 23, the last opportunity for her to reconnect with the competition before the Games. after more than four months spent away from the fencing arena. A new suspension would also prevent him from continuing to train in a structure affiliated with the French Fencing Federation (FFE), as has been the case since February 8.

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