Experiencing the supernatural – why we see ghosts and like to get the creeps – culture


The German parapsychologist Walter von Lucadou is convinced that ghostly apparitions exist. His thesis: Anyone who sees ghosts is probably suppressing a problem.

“Some people hear voices, others see ghosts, and others see objects moving through the air.” Walter von Lucadou is probably the best-known ghostbuster in German-speaking countries. Whereby he does not go ghost hunting with a fishing net.

The 76-year-old tackles the spook with scientific methods. The doctor of physics and psychology has been running a parapsychological counseling center in Freiburg for around three decades. People who experience supernatural things can register here.

Walter of Lucadou

psychologist and physicist

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Walter von Lucadou, born in 1945, has a doctorate in psychology and physics. He runs his own Advice center for parapsychological phenomena and is convinced that his approach to explaining the supernatural will prevail in science in the future. Von Lucadou conducts seminars and lectures to bring parapsychology to the public.

Parapsychological counseling center in Freiburg im Breisgau

A protective shield for the psyche

As a physicist, Walter von Lucadou is a man of science. Nonetheless, he is convinced that hauntings exist and that ghostly apparitions exist. His thesis: Anyone who sees ghosts is probably suppressing a problem. Because we humans are connected to our environment on a subtle basis, this problem then manifests as a spook or apparition.

“People who see ghosts have a good psychological protection system because they unconsciously transport their problem to the outside world and thus keep it at bay,” says Lucadou. His thesis is controversial in scientific circles, which he himself considers normal and important. «Criticism from colleagues is key, because it’s easy to make mistakes. It is necessary for science to take a close look.”

Goose bumps make us bigger

What is undisputed is the fact that many people enjoy hearing ghost stories and also enjoy getting the creeps out from time to time. “Being terrified and scared has given humans an evolutionary advantage,” says Walter von Lucadou. This has to do with the fact that early humans still had a lot of hair all over their bodies.

An arm with goosebumps


Shudder for Protection: While the sensation of goosebumps is uncomfortable, evolutionarily it has provided an advantage.

IMAGO / imagebroker

If a saber-toothed tiger or another dangerous animal suddenly appeared in front of the cave, the caveman would get goosebumps and his hair would stand up. It made him look bigger and more menacing. In the best case, the dangerous animal could be driven away. Today we rarely encounter dangerous animals on our doorstep – but we still get goosebumps in moments of fear.

Furthermore, we release a lot of adrenaline and other hormones when we are scared. Once the dangerous situation has been overcome, a great sense of well-being sets in. That’s why we like to read a thriller in the safe bed in the evening, and that’s why series like “The Walking Dead” can be addictive.

With belief in spirits we overcome fear

For as long as humans have existed, spirits and ghosts have played a role in our lives. Behind this is the age-old need to find explanations and reasons for events that are not so easy to explain, says Lucadou. For example, when lightning struck the ancient Romans, they believed the god Jupiter had had a bad day.

“If a house is haunted today, we think it’s the ghost of the dead grandmother. Knowing the cause gives us the feeling of being in control,” says Walter von Lucadou. “Things we can’t explain scare us.”

Lucadou says he hasn’t been afraid of parapsychological phenomena for a long time. “After all, I know what’s behind it. Or at least think I know.”

Summer Series «Ghosts and Ghosts»

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