Expert reveals: How this everyday object can protect you from bed bugs on vacation

Expert reveals
How this everyday object can protect you from bed bugs on vacation

In the video you will learn how to get rid of annoying bed bugs.

We look forward to our vacation all year round, but sometimes it can get on our nerves quicker than we’d like – for example, when bed bugs are lurking in our accommodation. Watch the video to find out how we can fight them with a simple everyday object.

Bed bugs in holiday accommodation are pure horror. It doesn’t matter whether we are in a hotel or a holiday apartment. Bed bugs don’t prefer a particular place. To ensure that they don’t ruin our vacation, an entomologist has a special insider tip.

How an everyday object can protect against bed bugs

Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, senior staff member of the New York Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University, reveals how you can easily get rid of the insects. To do this, you need an object that can actually be found in every hotel room. You can find out how it all works in the video.

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