Explosion rue de Trévise: the Council of Paris votes the agreement for compensation of victims

Europe1.fr with AFP
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5:21 p.m., January 17, 2022

More than three years after the explosion of the rue Trévise in Paris which had made four victims, the town hall of Paris voted unanimously the compensation of the victims. The opposition strongly criticized this agreement and denounced the slowness in reaching it. Rachida Dati denounced the “selfishness” of the Council of Paris, chaired by Anne Hidalgo.

The elected officials of the Council of Paris unanimously approved on Monday the framework agreement which provides for 20 million euros in compensation for the victims of the explosion in the rue de Trévise, three years after the tragedy.

An agreement welcomed by the town hall of Paris. “It is the first time in the history of the right to compensation, that a public authority participates in public compensation”, underlined the elected official, whose City is indicted in this file”, reacted Anne Hidalgo, whose City is indicted in this case, his first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire presented to him “his regrets”, faced with the slowness of the decision-making.

A decision criticized by the opposition

A slowness which provoked strong criticism in the opposition. “The City has continued to proclaim that it did not want to risk seeing its presumption of innocence tainted by a payment prior to the precise designation of each person’s responsibilities. What selfishness!”, Lambasted Rachida Dati, the head of line of the LR opposition believing that the 20 million euros “could have been paid almost immediately”. “We presented it on January 9, 2020, this draft framework agreement,” Delphine Bürkli, mayor (Horizons) of the 9th arrondissement, who became close to the victims, told AFP, expressing her “relief”.

On the morning of January 12, 2019, a very loud detonation caused by a gas leak at 6 rue de Trévise blew up the whole of this street in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, causing the death of 4 people, injuring 66 and around 400 victims. . The funds obtained will be used to cover all the bodily and material damage suffered by the victims while awaiting the criminal trial.

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