explosions of rare violence kill at least 50 and injure 2,750

For the moment, the circumstances of these explosions remain unknown.

Terrible images that are cold in the back flood social networks. The capital of Lebanon, Beirut, has just experienced two strong explosions in the heart of its port area on Tuesday August 4 at around 6 p.m. In a first provisional assessment, there would be 50 dead and 2,750 injured, according to Le Monde. At this time, the origin of these explosions is unknown, but a security official mentions "confiscated explosives" at the site of the blast.

"It is a disaster in every sense of the word," Lebanese Minister of Health Hamad Hassan said. "The hospitals in the capital are all full of wounded, ”he added.

"I appeal urgently to all friendly countries and brotherly countries who love Lebanon to stand by its side and help us heal our deep wounds" launched the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Hassan Diab.

“There appears to be a warehouse with material that has been confiscated for years, and it looks like it was very explosive. The services concerned are investigating, they will say what the nature of the incident is ", indicated the director general of the General Security Abbas Ibrahim, on local televisions.

On the videos shared on social networks, a fire on the docks was in progress when all of a sudden an explosion caused a massive blast and a very high column in the sky, like a huge mushroom of smoke. For miles around, windows of buildings and shops have been destroyed.

"I felt like an earthquake and then after a huge explosion and the windows broke. " a Lebanese woman in downtown Beirut confessed to France-Presse.

Israel has just offered humanitarian aid to Lebanon. "Israel turned to Lebanon through international security and political contacts to offer humanitarian and medical assistance to the Lebanese government, " can we read in a press release from the Israeli foreign and defense ministries, relayed by Le Figaro.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron tweeted: "I express my fraternal solidarity with the Lebanese after the explosion which caused so many victims and damage this evening in Beirut. France stands alongside Lebanon. Always. Help. and French means are being transported there. "