Extreme drought – drought emergency declared in parts of England – News

  • In parts of England, the environmental authorities have declared a drought emergency.
  • The water suppliers in the affected areas are taking measures to counteract the effects of the persistent drought.
  • The authorities in the south-east of the country limit the use of water: it is forbidden to water the garden or clean the car.

“All water suppliers have assured us that basic services are still guaranteed,” said Water Minister Steve Double after a meeting of the “National Drought Group”. The group is closely monitoring developments and examining the impact on agriculture and the environment. “We are better prepared than ever. If necessary, we will take further measures.”

Private households and companies were asked to check their water consumption. The drought emergency does not automatically lead to further measures, but allows environmental authorities and water suppliers to take further steps.

Watering of plants prohibited

The water utility South East Water has announced a ban on garden hoses and lawn sprinklers. The private use of garden hoses or similar devices is prohibited in all households that are supplied by the company until further notice. This applies, among other things, to watering plants, washing cars and other privately used vehicles and filling swimming pools and paddling pools.

Excluded from the ban are, among other things, the commercial cultivation of plants, the irrigation of sports facilities and the operation of car washes. According to the BBC, around 1.4 million households in the counties of Kent and Sussex will be affected by the ban, which came into force on Friday.

Bans on the use of garden hoses have also been announced in other parts of the country. Similar restrictions are to come into force in the county of Yorkshire and in London in the coming weeks.

Meteorologists warn of heat

The month of July was the driest since 1935 and brought a new temperature record: the thermometer rose above 40 degrees in the United Kingdom for the first time. Rainfall was only 35 percent of the average.

The British Weather Service has issued an extreme heat warning for large parts of England and Wales. Meteorologists expect heavy rain on Sunday and Monday. They could lead to flooding because the dry soils could no longer absorb the water.

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