Extreme forest fires – 375,000 hectares of forest have already burned down – News

  • Numerous forest fires have spiraled out of control in the Canadian province of Alberta.
  • In the meantime, almost 29,000 people have had to leave their homes, and around 100 fires are currently active.
  • According to the authorities, more than 375,000 hectares of land have been burned so far.

The head of government of the province of Alberta also published the declaration of emergency on Twitter:

As the broadcaster CBC reports, citing the fire and rescue services, around 31 of 108 active fires in western Canada have not yet been contained. The flames would have destroyed at least 20 houses and other buildings.

According to the authorities, more than 375,000 hectares of land have been burned so far. The high temperatures, the wind and the drought favored the spread of the fires. In the province of British Columbia, several rivers have burst their banks due to meltwater.

Officials say there have been more than 360 fires since January. At least 25,000 hectares of land have been burned. Given that May had only just begun, that was an exceptionally high number of fires.

Strong winds and high temperatures are expected to continue, according to the Alberta Wildfire Protection Agency, CBC reports. Temperatures have been 10 to 15 degrees above normal for some time. This means that the vegetation is very dry and highly flammable.

It had recently rained in the region, which helped fight the flames, said the head of the Alberta Wildfire fire protection agency. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity are also expected in the next few days.

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