Eye creams 2022: Top products for firm skin

eye cream
The best products against wrinkles, shadows and co.

© Denis Komarov / Shutterstock

A good eye cream is important to prevent (later) signs of aging or at least to keep them at bay.

Choosing the right eye cream is not easy. The sensitive skin around the eyes requires a lot of attention and care – because the Lot has special needs, which our face cream often cannot absorb. We took a look around the eye care market for you and put together some recommendations.

Eye cream: The protector of the delicate eye area

The importance of a good eye cream should not be underestimated. Because while our facial skin is grateful for good care, it is significantly less sensitive than the skin around our eyes. Skin irritation, dryness or even a rash occurs more quickly in this area. Because the skin is thin and unfortunately not very resistant. We often “torment” them by removing (waterproof) eye make-up. Even if we have hopefully all stopped rubbing too hard when we remove mascara and the like from our eyes.

Nevertheless: Our eye area has to go through a lot and often is the first indicator of various grievances, such as insufficient sleep, stress or even illness. Then dark shadows, swollen eyes or bags under the eyes are evidence that something is wrong. Also the signs of aging often show up here first. The first wrinkles – also known as crow’s feet – usually first appear on the eyes. Things we like to avoid want – and with the right eye cream you can also avoid them to a certain extent be able.

Which eye cream is the best?

Unfortunately, a general answer as to which eye cream is the best cannot be given. Our eyes are simply closed for that different needs. That alone age factor plays a crucial role here. In the mid-20s, the skin only needs good, general eye care, while over the years it demands more and more supporting ingredients and active ingredients to reduce the first wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, swelling or bags under the eyes. And as with any skincare routine, choosing your eye cream comes down to how dry or oily your skin is.

You should use these criteria as a guide when buying an eye cream:

  • Age: The older you get, the richer the eye cream should be. Ingredients, or rather active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, are not necessary in the 20s, but are becoming more and more important over time.
  • fat content: If you tend to have dry skin in general, you should watch out for oily components. On the other hand, those who tend to suffer from excess fat prefer to use lighter care, such as an eye gel.
  • Ingredients: Above all, we recommend people with sensitive skin to use products with few ingredients that need to be checked carefully. Fragrances should be avoided as they quickly irritate the skin. If necessary, you can use natural cosmetics if you have sensitive skin.
  • allergies: Even those who suffer from allergies will not be able to avoid checking the list of ingredients. Products that do not contain preservatives are particularly recommended, as these often lead to allergic reactions. Here, too, the choice of natural cosmetics can be advisable.

When should you start using an eye cream?

It’s a fallacy that we don’t have to worry about the eye area and eye care until we’re in our 20s. On the other hand, it is correct that we should then fight or prevent the first signs of skin aging. However, it is also important for all U30s to incorporate a special care for the eyes into the daily beauty routine. Since wrinkles, swelling, dark shadows and the like are still a long way off at this age, you should keep it simple and not overdo it. A light moisturizing eye creamthat your skin – according to its texture – enough moisture donate is enough. Always, really always, a certain one is important sun protection factor. This should not be missing even at a young age. More active ingredients are not required at this point.

Which eye cream for skin in the 30s?

Once we get into our 30s, the skin slowly becomes more demanding, tends to form dark circles or puffiness and demands more attention and care. Our eye cream can now also do something richer and about with active ingredients such as vitamins and minerals protect the skin from external influences and support the formation of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity and a radiant, plump complexion. Next to one UV protection should yours eye cream in these years have above all a plus in humidity.

Eye care beyond 40

Now that we’ve passed our 40th birthday, the motto is to work with what you have. Even the most expensive cream will not prevent small to deep wrinkles from forming in the long run. But with one eye cream With retinolwhich supports the cell renewal of the skin, hyaluronanwhich in turn supports the water storage of the skin, or antioxidantswhich protect our skin from environmental influences and other free radicals, we can do a lot with our eye care to ensure a fresh appearance.

What to pay attention to?

Actually, there are not many things to consider when applying an eye cream. Most of the “rules” are self-explanatory. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, we have summarized a few points that are important:

  • The eye cream should be as twice a dayi.e. in the morning and in the evening.
  • The eye cream always in clean, unvarnished skin massage or pat in.
  • Even with creams for sensitive skin, make sure that nothing gets into the eyes themselves.
  • The richer and greasy the eye cream is, the longer it may have to work before concealer, make-up and the like can be applied.
  • For an extra freshness kick you can use your cream too store in the fridge. The cooling effect can sometimes help relieve swelling.
  • If you have a choice, choose a product that comes in a pump bottle or a small one crucible sold (good protection of the contents from contamination). Especially if you’re using a water-based and/or preservative-free product. Especially in the vicinity of the mucous membranes, hygiene should have top priority when caring for them.

Even more eye care: eye pads & Co.

If you want to do something good for your eye area in addition to your daily eye cream, you have several options that beauty queens swear by.

  • One adapted to your needs eye serum can work small miracles if you integrate it into your eye care routine. The ampoules contain highly concentrated active ingredients, depending on what you choose. Applied regularly, they ensure that dark circles disappear and your eyes never stop shining.
  • eye pads are a huge trend in eye care for a reason. They are also available with a wide variety of ingredients and are – similar to a face mask – stuck under the eyes and can thus release their rich ingredients to the skin for quite a while.
  • Don’t have any of these extras handy right now? No problem. Yours can also help quickly Eye cream, applied thickly like a mask, create. Simply apply generously in the evening and enjoy your beauty sleep as usual. The next morning, if necessary, gently remove the excess cream with a cosmetic tissue or cotton pad – done.

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