Eye pads: The miracle cure for wrinkles and dark circles

Eye pads have been experiencing a real beauty hype for several years. Time to take a closer look at the mini face masks.

We all know it: Everyday life is super stressful, things are going haywire at work, and at the same time partners, friends, family and children also want to be entertained. The result: we look like we’ve been partying for two weeks. For many of us, dark circles under the eyes, bags under the eyes and increasingly visible wrinkles are simply part of it. We’ve resigned ourselves to having to apply heavy layers of concealer on a daily basis so we don’t feel like Dracula. But does it have to be? Eye pads promise to help.

Eye pads: what is behind them?

It is now well known that facial care, in addition to healthy nutrition and sufficient water intake, is the be-all and end-all when it comes to preventing and combating wrinkles. What many do not consider: The skin under the eyes has very special requirements.

It is much thinner and therefore more susceptible to environmental influences, wrinkling and dark shadows. We also blink up to 50 times a minute, cry, laugh and rub our eyes. Of course, the use of make-up, mascara and the like also leaves traces around our eyes, not to mention the sometimes rough make-up removal methods.

Due to the more sensitive nature of the eye area, the instructions for use of conventional face masks always state that the eye area should be avoided. And come here eye pads in the game. The mini face masks contain special ingredients that are ideal for the eye area.

The two most common varieties of eye pads are gel eye pads and sheet mask eye pads. Both versions contain high-quality active ingredients that declare war on dark circles, dark shadows, wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

This is how eye pads work

eye pads contain an extra portion of care and the perfect ingredients for the eye area. These are usually collagen, various fruit or algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, caviar and real gold particles.

The active ingredients contained in eye pads

  • reduce dark circles under the eyes,
  • bags under the eyes swell,
  • make the eye area appear brighter, more awake and fresher,
  • cool the area under the eyes,
  • provide the skin with an extra boost of moisture and
  • cushion wrinkles.

How to use eye pads

As before any other skin care treatment, the first step in using eye pads is thorough cleansing of the skin. This means, to remove makeup and the skin with gentle cleaning gel, foam or milk. Even if you don’t have make-up on, you should remove cream residue, sebum and sweat from your skin. This allows the active ingredients in the eye pads to penetrate deeper into the skin.

After cleaning your skin, take the eye pads out of their packaging and place them under your eyes. Now you can enjoy the great and rich ingredients Leave on for ten to 20 minutes. Either you simply go about your everyday activities during this time or you use it for a little break or meditation. The eye pads adhere very well and therefore don’t fall off your face. Some beauty queens also go to sleep with the eye pads and pamper their skin with the treatment throughout the night.

After you have removed the eye pads, you simply massage the rest of the care into the skin and continue to benefit from the intensively acting ingredients. Afterwards you can do your make-up or Facial Care Routine pursue.

Tips for using eye pads:

  • Of course, you can also use the eye pads on areas other than under the eyes. Pronounced smile lines around the mouth or forehead lines also benefit from the small care boosters.
  • The cooling, refreshing and, above all, decongestant effect of the eye pads is enhanced if you keep the small masks in the fridge!

A fine selection of eye pads

The moisture boost with Verdoyer eye pads

These hydrogel eye pads are particularly popular. she do without microplastics, parabens, mineral oils, animal testing, alcohol and PEGs. These are polyethylene glycols. These are used in the manufacture of many cosmetic products and are made from petroleum. This is suspected of causing cancer.

Instead of all these unnecessary additives, Verdoyer eye pads contain highly effective care substances such as Hyaluron, red algae, collagen, rose oil and vitamin E. Dark shadows under the eyes, bags under the eyes, swelling and wrinkles don’t stand a chance with these moisturizing eye pads. The great thing: you are also suitable for sensitive skin.

You can buy Verdoyer eye pads here.

Luxurious eye pads with gold particles from Nuonove

Many beauty lovers swear by real gold particles in their eye pads. This is intended to brighten, strengthen and cool the area under the eyes even more intensively. Many spas also offer deluxe skin treatments that contain gold.

You don’t have to dig deep into your pocket to treat yourself to such a luxurious treatment at home. The eye pads from Nuonove only cost around 16 euros for 60 pieces, contain 24 carat gold as well as spirulina, alltoin, mica and collagen boosters. Swelling, tight skin, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles are reduced and the skin’s metabolism is promoted. Also these eye pads are suitable for sensitive skinprovide a lot of moisture and soothe the skin under the eyes.

Here you can order the eye pads from Nuonove.

Anti-aging with Mroobest’s bestseller

Pinpoxe eye pads are now an absolute classic in eye care. They are suitable for all skin types and included Hyaluronic acid, Irish pearl moss, spirulina and silk collagen. As a result, the skin is optimally supplied with moisture, more elastic and smoother. Dark shadows under the eyes, swelling, wrinkles and crow’s feet don’t stand a chance with regular use.

You can get the eye pads from Mroobest here.

Reasons for dark circles

There are many reasons for dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. At the top of the list is lack of sleep. As a result, our blood vessels are not optimally supplied with blood, the metabolism cannot remove enough lymph fluid and this eventually accumulates under our eyes. Since the skin under the eyes is particularly thin, blue blood vessels are also much more visible. The result: dark circles under the eyes and shadows under the eyes.

During pregnancy and menstruation, many women can see their shadows even more because of their pallor. Iron and vitamin deficiencies can also lead to dark circles under the eyes. Your skin also suffers from insufficient hydration. It dries out and wrinkles appear.

In addition to sufficient sleep, water and the right nutrients, eye pads can also reduce shadows under the eyes and wrinkles. However, the same applies here: Prevention is better than aftercare. If you already have severe shadows under your eyes, even eye pads will not magically make them disappear. With regular use, however, eye pads can at least work small miracles, moisturizing the skin, minimizing dark circles under the eyes and preventing wrinkles or padding them out with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Especially after a night of partying or crying through, eye pads promise cooling and immediate relief. You’ll look fresher and more awake in minutes. And if that’s not enough, a gut always helps coverage concealerto at least temporarily retouch your dark circles and dark circles.

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