Fabian Hambüchen: TV catching ends with a stay in the clinic

Fabian Hambüchen
TV catching ends with hospital stay

Fabian Hambüchen has worked with the

Fabian Hambüchen was injured while shooting "CATCH!"

© SAT.1 / Willi Weber

The TV show "CATCH!" did not end well for gymnast Fabian Hambüchen. He had to stop, go to the hospital and have an operation.

Fabian Hambüchen (33) went all out in the Sat.1 program "CATCH! The German Championship in Catching 2021" – with painful consequences. The professional gymnast and Olympic medalist injured his knee while filming in early December. The diagnosis: torn cruciate ligament, torn meniscus and torn outer ligament. How it came to the accident, viewers could follow on Friday evening (January 8) on TV.

Hambüchen now explained to the "Bild" newspaper: "I jumped over a pole and wanted to keep running when it came up." However, since he jumped on the wrong leg, his knee was affected. "I felt a dull pain, that rattled a lot," he recalls. He was immediately aware that "something went wrong". He needed an operation and has been working on his rehabilitation ever since. The athlete is now "luckily" rid of his crutches.
