Fabien Roussel, a candidate with a good appetite

Some on the left have not digested his praise of good flesh. Meeting with the boss of the PCF at the “Champs-Elysées”, his favorite table at his home in Saint-Amand-Les-Eaux.

“I am the Label Rouge candidate! “. With sparkling eyes in front of his head waiter steak, his braised endives and his glass of Bordeaux, Fabien Roussel decides to laugh it off. Still, the attacks he has recently been the subject of have remained on his stomach. For having defended the tricolor culinary art (“a good wine, a good meat, a good cheese, it’s French gastronomy!”, He had tweeted), the communist presidential candidate was accused of flirting the identity right. Just that. “It’s distressing and it reveals that part of the left is cut off from the people,” retorts the deputy from the North with a touch of ch’ti accent that one would swear a little more pronounced than usual. He makes a point of embodying a cheeky and joyful left, rather than a moralizing left and follower of prohibitions of all kinds. Or put it another way: “I prefer to represent the left of meat and good wine than the left of quinoa-bulgur-soya”. The painting is a bit caricatural but it does not lack appeal.

Nevertheless, wouldn’t the communist leader add a little in his role of defender of the “local left” against the “green ayatollahs”? He swears no and defends the specificity of his project: “Some on the left have focused on societal issues. I want to go back to the roots of the PCF, a national and popular party. If I wasn’t in this campaign, who would stand for what I stand for: nuclear power, work income rather than welfare income, universal values ​​rather than the segmentation of struggles, racialism and all that stuff that we even find it hard to understand? “. The food question is in any case not just a matter of style for Fabien Roussel. The leader of the PCF assumes to have made it a strong axis of his campaign. With a slogan: “Eat healthy and satisfied”. A philosophy: food sovereignty. And a flagship proposal: the creation of a fund of 10 billion euros, “so that children have access in canteens to healthy and high-flying food”.

Bruno Le Maire is full of praise for him

The northerner is counting on the presentation of his program these days, and on his first big meeting, on February 6 in Marseille, to give scope to his candidacy. On the sponsorship side, the parliamentarian has gathered just 501 promises. But cautious, he continues the quest for signatures to cement his qualification. “As long as the Constitutional Council has not validated it, I will not be at peace,” he confesses. For the moment, the polls promise him between 2% and 3% of the vote, which is meager. Not enough to discourage comrade Roussel: “I hope to shake up the presidential election! It will be a success either if I win or if I convince enough voters to give weight to my ideas”. In the meantime, the deputy from the North has already succeeded in seducing, in spite of himself… the macronie. Like Bruno Le Maire, who is full of praise for him: “He is very friendly and straightforward. It is the communist as we like them”. The boss of Bercy who weaves laurels to the one who claims to make throat “the power of money”, this campaign is definitely full of surprises.

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