Fabien Roussel calls for a “global agreement” for the legislative elections

Europe 1 with AFP
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12:48 a.m., April 25, 2022

After the re-election of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, the communist candidate Fabien Roussel called for a “global agreement” from the left in view of the legislative elections. He also considered that if “the worst has been avoided” during the presidential election “a heavy threat hangs over our democracy”.

Faced with the re-election of President Emmanuel Macron, the Communist candidate Fabien Roussel called this Sunday evening for “a global agreement” from the left for the legislative elections in order to “avoid any division” and go “together to conquer a majority of deputies”. “The outgoing president is re-elected today only in favor of a rejection of the representative of the far right”, estimated Fabien Roussel during a speech from his HQ, “but the battle is not over” .

Even if the result of the presidential election made it possible to “avoid the worst”, “a heavy threat hangs over our democracy”, estimates the communist candidate. This is why, “for these legislative elections, we want to do everything to be as united as possible around a legislative contract that meets the aspirations of the French people”, he indicated.

Avoid any division

By “coming together” with La France insoumise, the Socialist Party and Europe Écologie-Les Verts, Fabien Roussel believes that the left could find the “11 million voters” who voted for one of his candidates during the first round of the presidential election and “remobilize a number of abstentionists”. To do this, he calls on the other left-wing forces to set “together the objective of a global agreement by avoiding any division in constituencies that already have left-wing deputies and by going together to win a majority of deputies everywhere somewhere else”.

“We will need a majority on the left in the National Assembly, a majority connected to popular expectations”, he hammered, “we call for the creation everywhere of all the conditions to offer a prospect of victory to the left in those territories where the far right could win”. “By deciding in this first round of the legislative elections, we can beat both the racist bloc of the far right, but also the liberal bloc of the right represented by Macron”.

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