Fable has revealed what he has in store, and you won’t be disappointed! 2025 is going to be a big year for video games

Game news Fable has revealed what he has in store, and you won’t be disappointed! 2025 is going to be a big year for video games

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If there is one license dear to Xbox fans that was starting to be long overdue, it is Fable. After three memorable episodes on Xbox 360 and PC, the saga suddenly stopped, before initiating a big comeback a few years ago. Excellent news: the project is still in progress, and it already looks very promising.

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An extremely enticing trailer

It was certainly one of the most anticipated video games of the evening, The Fable reboot showed off well during tonight’s Xbox Games Showcase! After a first video very focused on the typical humor of the saga which had only revealed the universe and the main character, Microsoft decided to work harder with a new trailer even more impressive. The opportunity to discover a new character named Humphrya retired hero who seems to take the main character under his wing.

In case you still doubt it, this trailer confirms once again that the atmosphere and humor characteristic of the Fable saga will be back in this reboot. This new character is full of himself and everything makes us feel that, but he also seems to hide some secrets since the main character seems to want to make him an antagonist. But the best thing about these new images is thatwe were able to see some gameplay.

Some gameplay footage!

Big surprise for Fable fans, between several video sequences filmed around this famous Humphry, we were able to see some authentic gameplay images! The opportunity to discover the sublime world of Albion redone, but also some secondary characters, without forgetting the new main character. Better yet, the latter also distinguished itself in combat.

As one might have expected, the action will be there in this reboot of Fable, and everything seems to indicate that we will be able to face our adversaries again in several different ways. Sword fighting, use of the bow, everything seems to come together with the exception for the moment of magic, but it’s a safe bet that it will not be forgotten given the bestiary that we have been able to discover . In conclusion, this Fable video also gave us a very vague release date, that ofyear 2025. A great year ahead!

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