Fabrice Luchini has “an infinite pain” for Jean Castex

Lhe least one can say is that Fabrice Luchini is not amazed by the current government… Invited to France Inter, the actor expressed his ironic compassion for the Prime Minister, who mainly had to managing the Covid crisis for almost two years. “He is someone who gives me infinite pain, he confided to the microphone of Léa Salamé. He goes to the coal, he knows that he does not please, because he only announces bad news… ”And to specify, biting: “Jean Castex is Cioranesque”, echoing the thought of Cioran. “There is a phrase from Cioran that says: ‘Let’s not kill ourselves, there is still someone to disappoint’…”

Fabrice Luchini also returned to his criticisms of Olivier Véran, which had caused a thunderous buzz in November 2020. Exasperated by the new curfew measures, the artist had denounced “Véran’s panic” and an executive who put earth the French restoration. “It’s terrifying, it’s morbid, it’s sordid. We no longer want to like this government. “A video viewed more than 480,000 times at the time, but a feeling of regret today: “As for Véran, I made the mistake of talking about it, he admitted on the airwaves of France Inter. The day I said “I can’t take Véran anymore, I don’t want to love him anymore”, I was wrong. I apologized. Which doesn’t prevent him from comparing him today to Dr. “Knock”. “But he’s a Knock without genius!” He wanted to fuck us with a thermometer in the ass! »

READ ALSOCurfew: Fabrice Luchini’s anger against the government

“We will have to get out…”

In general, no politician seems to find favor in his eyes today, apart from François Hollande, for his character, and Emmanuel Macron for his culture. “The presidential campaign does not interest me, it has no nuance, we have descended to such a level”, he judges, denouncing a violence which has interfered in all of society. “Everything is going to turn into hatred, violence, I am overwhelmed… to hear on the television channels people talking to each other as they talk to each other, insulting each other… I have no competence to know if the right or the left will resolve The problems. What I see is the meanness, the harshness towards each other. It is clear that if an extreme wins tomorrow, whether right or left, you will have to get out, because you will not have the right to exist. You will be in the light of what they want…”

READ ALSOFabrice Luchini curries Anne Hidalgo: “Paris is absolutely no longer habitable”

An electoral campaign and a health crisis which invite themselves directly into his new show The Fountain and containment, where the actor spares no one in his literary flashes. “There has been a real lowering of the political function, believes the actor. I have nothing to say, I know nothing about it, but in any case they help me in this show to mix La Fontaine with our poor, somewhat pitiful reality…”

READ ALSOLittle lesson of La Fontaine with Fabrice Luchini

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