Facebook will reintegrate a major feature exclusive to Messenger

Facebook is testing the reintegration of messaging directly into its platform. It was removed in 2014 to make access to messages exclusive to Messenger.

By the grace of Meta, Facebook will regain a feature that was taken away almost a decade ago // Source: Unsplash Dima Solomin

Nine years later, Meta is rolling back a major feature removed from Facebook a long time ago. The firm has indeed indicated that it is in the process of testing the reintegration, on the platform, of the inbox which had been removed from it nine years ago. The idea was then to make it exclusive to Messenger, in order to boost downloads.

Android Authority reminds us of the exact chronology of this amputation. In detail, Facebook had lost in 2014 the possibility of accessing the inbox from its web interface. Subsequently, in 2016 this time, Facebook’s mobile application was also deprived of it. Two successive deletions were rather badly experienced by users who saw it (rightly) as an unattractive way to force the adoption of Messenger.

Meta will proceed with a welcome reintegration

In a blog post, Meta confirmed this week that it wants to retrace its steps by reintegrating the inbox to Facebook. ” We are currently testing the ability for users to access their Messenger inbox from the Facebook app and will expand these tests soon.“, Thus indicated the group, which nevertheless seems to indicate that this novelty will concern (at least initially) only the Facebook mobile application.

That said, don’t see anymy culpa. Meta is not backtracking to listen (with much delay) to users, but rather to promote the discovery and sharing of content on Facebook. The firm thus explains that it wants toallow [aux utilisateurs] more easily share what they discover on Facebook via messaging, when, where and how it’s convenient for them, without having to switch to another application“. It remains to be seen whether this feature will return to Facebook and stay there.

As for the vitality of the social network, Meta ensures that everything is going well. Facebook would not be so “neither dead nor dying“, the platform would have even crossed the milestone of 2 billion daily active users.

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