Fade, the 20th agent of VALORANT is revealed

Fade, agent, Valorant, competition, roster, recon, initiator, special abilities

On the occasion of the release of the Battle Pass for Episode 4, Act 3, the new Agent Fade was unveiled in two VALORANT videos. And it will be an Initiator.

Scheduled for this April 27 in VALORANT, the new agent Bland has just been revealed by Riot Games, on the occasion of the final of the first split 2022 of the VCTs. The new heroine will land at the same time as the Episode 4 Battle Pass, Act 3. New Turkish initiator agent, he will have a reconnaissance role and his abilities are fear and nightmare oriented, as you can see in his set:

  • E — Haunting
    Equip a nightmarish entity. Shoot to throw the orb which will fall to the ground after a set time. Upon hitting the ground, the orb transforms into a nightmarish entity that reveals the location of enemies caught in its line of sight. Enemies can destroy this entity. Reuse this ability to knock the projectile down at the start of its flight.

  • Q—Capture
    Equip a Nightmare Ink Orb. Shoot to throw the orb which will fall back to the ground after a set time. Upon hitting the ground, the ink will explode and create an area that enemies caught in it cannot escape through normal means. Reuse this ability to drop the projectile at the start of flight.

  • C — Ranger
    Equip a Ranger. The shot sends the ranger out, which moves in a straight line. The ranger will lock onto any enemies or trails within their frontal vision cone and pursue them, seeing them up close if they reach them. Hold down the fire button to point the trooper in the direction of your crosshairs.

  • X — Falling night
    Equip the power of fear. Shoot to send out a wave of nightmare energy that can pass through walls. The energy creates a trail towards the opponent and deafens them and causes them to lose their HP.

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