Fake ChatGPT in Google Chrome: AI steals your Facebook data


Taking advantage of ChatGPT’s popularity, hackers have released a malware-infected Chrome addon. The target of the malware is your Facebook data.

An infected version of ChatGPT is in circulation. (Source: rokas91/depositphotos.com)

ChatGPT is on everyone’s lips. In the future, artificial intelligence could even write Hollywood screenplays. Cyber ​​criminals quickly realized how this popularity could be exploited: They sell a fake add-on for the chatbot for Google Chrome that steals your data while you are using it. Over 7,000 users have already fallen for the scam.

The dangerous browser addon called “ChatGPT for Google” has been available in the Chrome Web Store since February and hardly differs from the real application. Even after the download, it is not immediately apparent that it is a fake. As described you can use ChatGPT in your Google search. However, you do not notice that an integrated malware is scanning your Facebook cookies for valuable data.

On the left you can see the fake application and on the right the original ChatGPT for Google Chrome.

On the left you can see the fake application and on the right the original ChatGPT for Google Chrome. (Source: Guardio Labs)

The criminals behind the scam can use the stolen data to log into your Facebook account, according to security experts from Guardio Labs. Often, after such takeovers, your account is misused to send malware to your contacts. But your data is already valuable enough and can be sold to third parties.

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In the meantime, the Fake ChatGPT has been removed from Google’s Web Store. If you have downloaded the chatbot for Google Chrome in the last few months, you should definitely check whether it is the original addon. If you are affected, uninstall the tool immediately and change your Facebook password.

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