Fallen in love from their balconies in confinement, they are going to get married!

It is the beautiful love story of confinement that has gone around the world. Falling in love from their respective balconies during confinement, these two Italians are now planning to get married.

If the pandemic is straining love, romance has not had its last word. Proof of this is the beautiful love story of Paola and Michele, who fell in love at first sight from their balconies in Italy, as the country was confined to deal with the Coronavirus.

Love at first sight in Verona

It is a love story in Verona between two lovers perched on their balconies. Like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Paola Agnelli and Michele Alpaos fell in love despite a context not conducive to meetings.

Paola Agnelli and Michele Alpaos, aged 39 and 38 respectively, met for the first time on March 17, when Italy was confined. When Paola's sister was playing the violin for the neighbors on their balcony, the young woman noticed her neighbor 30 meters away, in the building opposite hers. A few searches later on Instagram and other social networks, the two Italians chatted by courier before calling each other by phone on their balconies. "We call each other ten times a day, we go out on the balcony and we look at each other for hours," Michele told the Italian daily. "The Repubblica". To prove his love, this confinement Romeo even erected a banner with the name of Paola above his apartment.

A wedding in perspective

“The first thing we'll do when it's all over, we'll go to the park behind our buildings and finally we can hold hands,” Paola had planned in mid-April. So that's what they did on Monday May 4, the first day of Italy's gradual deconfinement. The lovers posted a photo of this first real meeting under the sun on Instagram. Since then, they have never left each other and even plan to get married within one or two years: "We are planning a ceremony on the large roof terrace of my building, which would make sense since we met on our balconies" . A happy ending for these modern Romeo and Juliet!

Video by Anais bertrand