“Family business” – Mother and sons sold marijuana to students

The police have now blown up a “special kind” family business after an anonymous tip and extensive investigations: A 49-year-old is said to have produced and sold addictive substances together with her sons (15 and 25) and the older man’s girlfriend; also to students.

The whole thing is said to have been going on in the Radkersburg area, Southeast Styria district, since 2019; today was the end of it. The police officers let the “family business” go up. The woman and her two sons as well as the girlfriend are suspected of having grown, bought and subsequently sold narcotics to students. During the house search, the officers also found what they were looking for: dried marijuana, six finished ones Joints and various drug paraphernalia were seized. In the basement area there was a rearing system including fans and lights. The selling price of the seized drugs is thousands of euros. The house is occupied by a 49-year-old woman and her 15-year-old son. Her second son, 25, and his 21-year-old girlfriend also live in the Southeast Styria district. Together they are suspected of having produced the addictive substances in different forms, but also bought them in Graz. Some of the narcotics were bred or bought for personal use, but also for resale to schoolchildren. The older son and his girlfriend have so far confessed in part, the 49-year-old and her 15-year-old son are only being questioned.
source site-12