fans dreamed of it, this game will come true

Star Wars is preparing to return to its first love with a new game with an essential license in its field. Be careful, big hype for fans of the genre.

Star Wars and video games are a great love story. The SW Jedi series was a hit, when Ubisoft will make its own contribution next August with Star Wars Outlaws. An open world game which looks very promising and which does not fail to arouse the curiosity of the most fervent fans each time new details are revealed. We know that the Disney group will intensify its efforts in the video game sector in the coming years and has reportedly ordered a new adaptation from one of the best studios of its kind.

Soon the return to favor of Star Wars in strategy?

Before large-scale battles and video game adaptations of films and then original works, the license has long tried its hand at strategy games. It’s impossible not to mention a certain Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds which left its mark on many fans of the genre. A fervor for the genre that lasted a few years before completely dying out. So when we learn that the fathers of the Total War license are working on a Star Wars game, it’s hard not to be enthusiastic. We have at least one on the team who is anyway.

DualShockers reports that Creative Assembly would be working on three games from its favorite license, including a Total War Star Wars and it would indeed be officially licensed. Tom Henderson (Insider Gaming) also learned of such a project in 2022, which would suggest that the game has been in development for a few years. Of this upcoming trio, that of Star Wars would actually be the second to be released according to American media sources. It is impossible, however, to have any indication as to a possible release window, but it will be counted in years. As for the other two games, DualShockers has not given any details, other than that they are Total War.

©Creative Assembly

You will therefore have to be patient, especially as the studio is currently working on a major update for Total War Pharaoh which should increase the size of the campaign map and add even more crops. We also recall that Bit Reactor, a studio made up of former Firaxis (Civilization 6 and X-COM 2) announced in 2022 that they were working on their own Star Wars strategy game, which would be largely inspired by X-COM.

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