Farewell to Bernard Pivot: his daughter Agnès in tears and united in mourning with her sister Cécile and their mother Monique

By Caroline Perrin | Journalist

Obelix of the celebrity press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scour the social networks of stars to find clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

It was in Quincié-en-Beaujolais that the funeral of Bernard Pivot, a man of letters who died of cancer on May 6, took place. It is here that the writer wanted to be buried. The ceremony took place in the presence of many residents and those close to him, including his ex-wife Monique Dupuis and his two daughters, Agnès and Cécile.

The relatives of Bernard Pivot gathered for the last farewell Family and relatives of Bernard Pivot - Funeral of the journalist and man of letters Bernard Pivot in the church of Christ in Quincié-en-Beaujolais
The relatives of Bernard Pivot gathered for the last farewell Family and relatives of Bernard Pivot – Funeral of the journalist and man of letters Bernard Pivot in the church of Christ in Quincié-en-Beaujolais© BestImage, Agency / Bestimage

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This Tuesday, May 14, 2024 will forever be a very sad day for the town of Quincié en Beaujolais. This rainy day was the scene of the funeral of the writer Bernard Pivot, who died of cancer on May 6. It is therefore not in Paris, where all the ceremonies are generally organized for the great figures of culture, that the ultimate tribute to Bernard Pivot took place, but in this region so dear to the heart of the facilitator.

It was he who organized this ceremony according to information from BFM Lyon: “I know I will be buried in Quincié. A place awaits me in the cemetery in my parents’ grave. It’s not sad to think about it, I’m not immortal…“, he said during an interview. The funeral had been organized in advance by the man of letters who wanted her to be sober. If the meeting was open to the public and broadcast loudly outside the church, it was also punctuated by the reading of one of his texts by his daughters, for whom it was not always very present, then by the speaking of three of his close friends: her sister Anne-Marie, Cécile, her daughter and her granddaughter before burial in the strictest family privacy in the town cemetery. Jean-Charles, younger brother of Bernard Pivot, was also present.

His daughter Cécile spoke with emotion of their passion for literature, speaking directly to her late father: “You, the world, you inhabited it fully with curiosity, vivacity, clairvoyance”, “The last novel you read is by Jean Paul Dubois. It is called The origin of tears. This was our final book conversation” as reported Progress. “I was so proud to be your daughter, thank you dad” she concluded according to France 3. His granddaughter, for her part, portrayed a man we knew a little less by evoking their last evening spent together at the Renaud Capuçon concert and their love for old French expressions: “If there is no danger in the house, let’s stop yoyoing about the tuft and raise our hearts.”

When he died, Bernard Pivot was in a relationship with Carole but Monique Dupuis is the only woman he married, mother of his children. Christophe Guilloteau, president of the Rhône departmental council, was also present.

Celebrities came to pay their last respects

Relatives and residents of Quincié-en-Beaujolais are not the only ones to have made the trip. The celebrity that he was therefore brought together several other cultural and media figures. We could notably find Erik Orsenna, very moved by the disappearance of the man he considered his big brother as indicated by Progress. But also the writer and president of the Goncourt academy Philippe Claudel, the playwright Éric Emmanuel Schmitt, the journalist Pierre Assouline, the philosopher Pascal Bruckner and former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. The chef Georges Blanc was also present not far from Périco Legasse, Even the first lady Brigitte Macron – accompanied by the former deputy Bernard Perrut – wanted to be present to honor the memory of Bernard Pivot, whose dictations must have turned a few heads among the students of the former French teacher…

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