Fashion hacks: 5 simple habits of stylish women

Real style queens
These 5 things stylish women do every day

© Imaxtree

There are women who always look stylish. Really ALWAYS! Whether they’re just going to the bakery next door or a co-worker’s cocktail party, you’d think they’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Admittedly, some of them have the legendary fashion gene that allows them to whip up the trendiest outfit in no time without even thinking about it. All others, on the other hand, rely on the tried and tested mixture of planning, foresight and inspiration. We share with you the five things fashionistas do every day to look THAT good and how it will help you too to be at the forefront of the fashion world.

5 things stylish women do every day

1. Take your time!

If there’s one thing getting in the way of your perfect look, it’s stress. That’s why it’s better to take a few more minutes in the morning to plan your wow look. Or even better: lay out your outfit the night before. So you can start the day even more relaxed the next morning.

2. Smoothly ironed!

Unless you’re going for an all-linen look, creases in clothing are unfortunately a no-go. So before you leave the house crumpled up, let the steamer or the iron do their job again. We promise you: Your favorite items will not only look a lot better afterwards, they will also feel worlds better.

3. Weather ahead!

When it comes to your looks, your phone’s weather app is now your new BFF! The reason for this is very simple: Even the best thought-out outfit looks completely out of place if it doesn’t really match the current weather conditions. So check beforehand whether the beloved strappy sandals or rather the trendy shaft boots are popular today.

4. Mix it baby!

You don’t have to win the lottery or make a bunch of money to be a true fashionista. It all depends on the mix! For real fashion classics, it pays to save up and then dig a little deeper into your pocket. On the other hand, you can get fashion favourites, which are currently being totally hyped, for less money at Zara, Mango and Co. The fashion chains are now so quick to bring our objects of desire from the catwalk directly to their clothes rails that it is complete nonsense to throw yourself into unnecessary expense. Because consider one thing: Rarely does a trend last longer than two seasons – so your money should be invested wisely!

5. Get inspired!

Don’t push yourself too hard about your look – you don’t need to reinvent the fashion wheel! Instead, use platforms like Instagram or Pinterest and get inspired by other fashionistas. Olivia Palermo, Caro Daur and Chiara Ferragni are absolute style queens and their looks keep bringing us new ideas. In this case, copying is expressly permitted!

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