Fashion Report 2023: According to the survey – that really counts when shopping

Fashion Report 2023
New survey shows interesting behavior when it comes to clothing consumption

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We love clothes, we shop clothes, but what actually tempts us to buy? And how much money do we really spend on our outfits every month? A fashion study has now researched exactly that – with interesting results.

Have you ever asked yourself: How much money do I give for fashion out? Or how many pieces of clothing do I actually have in the closet? Interesting questions that most probably don’t have clear answers to. The fashion brand Bonprix has taken on the topic and launched an independent study together with the market research institute Ipsos. In January and February 2023, more than 1,000 women between the ages of 18 and 70 were surveyed in Germany. The results are more surprising than expected.

Fashion Report 2023: Study explains what we prefer to wear

We women are often said to be insecure or lack self-confidence and therefore sow discord among ourselves. The survey shows that this is not the case. 74 percent of the women surveyed would describe themselves as self-confident and 55 percent are satisfied with their bodies. Above all, fashion is a point that would give us self-confidence. But anyone who now thinks that we feel most comfortable in beautiful robes or playful tops is wrong. Almost 90 percent of the participating women go for a casual and uncomplicated look, which suggests that the majority do not chase after the latest trends, but instead rely on what ensures their own comfort.

How much money do we spend on fashion every month?

But if we feel most comfortable in casual everyday looks and trends are not the top priority for us women, how much money do we actually spend on fashion? This point may be surprising at first, because despite the comfortable fashion style, we are constantly pushing for new clothes. On average, we spend around 116 euros on new fashion every month. There is a steady increase in new styles, so it’s no surprise that we rarely or never wear more than a third of our wardrobe. Despite ongoing consumption, the study also shows that women are open to the topic of sustainability. Animal welfare in particular has a retrospective influence on purchasing decisions.

What is behind our purchasing decisions?

As a fashion editor, you primarily look at the fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, New York or London to see the latest trends, but are these really the looks that will later hang in the closets of the readers? This is certainly the case for many fashionistas, but according to the survey, we primarily buy things that we like, detached from any fashion trend. We also look for fashion inspiration from our friends and colleagues. A nice girls’ evening with a private fashion show is the best after all.


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