Fashion resolutions: 5 editors reveal what they will change in 2023

5 fashion editors revealed
Fashion resolutions we’re making for 2023

© Kalim / Adobe Stock

Dreams are there to be realized! That is why the Brigitte Mode editors take a very close look at which fashion resolution they are going to fulfill in the coming year.

New year, new happiness — and new resolution! This time we’re doing without rigid rules, such as eating less chocolate or going to the gym more often. We prefer to go to fashion and see if we don’t want to try a new, specific style.

Long live the basics!

I always have to have a colourful, extravagant sweater. Whether bright purple or a farm on a sweater with pearl appliqué. Everything looks chic and makes something. Provided that you can also combine the parts. And for that you need, right, basics: black, gray and white. Before I even jump on a fast fashion trend train in 2023, the basic framework in the wardrobe will first be restored. In the end, I can combine the great, colorful things much better.

Linda, Fashion and Beauty Editor

But please with accessories!

Accessories can spice up almost any outfit. It doesn’t matter whether it’s for your hair, your wrist or your fingers – great pieces of jewelry don’t have to be expensive, but they enhance every look. For the next year I would like to plan to invest more in cool accessories than in a piece of clothing that I will end up not wearing. This also includes buying jewelery that does not turn blue after washing your hands. In 2023, I will therefore focus everything on high-quality and stylish accessories!

Anna, fashion and beauty intern

Think in terms of outfits

Sometimes I buy clothes that I think are super beautiful, but somehow I just can’t combine them with other parts. At least not in a way that I really like. That’s why I want to make it a point when I buy new pieces to think directly about how I want to combine them and whether I actually have everything I need for this look in my closet. And: In the future I want to photograph outfits that I really like and put them in a folder on my cell phone. So I always have an idea of ​​what to wear when I don’t have time in the morning.

Friederike, Deputy Head of Beauty & Fashion

Photograph your favorite looks

As a fashion editor, I naturally love fashion and therefore own quite a few clothes. Unfortunately, it regularly happens to me that I lose track of my own closet and think: “I have nothing to wear”. Like Friederike, I would like to make it my goal for the coming year to photograph well-done style combinations so that I have my own personal look-book for the contents of my closet. The picture does not have to be a masterpiece, a simple mirror selfie is sufficient. This measure is primarily intended to change my consumer behavior, because sometimes we don’t need to buy any new styles at all, our favorites have long been in our closet, they’ve just been lost for a long time.

Ilka, fashion and beauty editor

Finally show your colors!

Yes I know! I’m late with this resolution, but after bright colors finally celebrated their mega comeback in 2022, I too finally want to show my colors – and that in everyday life! Whether it’s lush green, sunny yellow or bright pink – what the stars have been wearing on the red carpet for a long time and the fashion houses have been showing up and down the runways this year (I’ll just say Valentino pink!) ultimately never made it into my closet .

Three colorful fashion moments from 2022 that inspire me!  It certainly won't be an all-over look right away, but I have made it my goal to set bright accents in 2023!

Three colorful fashion moments from 2022 that inspire me! It certainly won’t be an all-over look right away, but I have made it my goal to set bright accents in 2023!

©Getty Images

Instead, I continued to focus on soft natural tones, black and white, because they simply felt calmer in everyday life and suited me better. That should change next year! And I’ve decided to start slowly: with colorful accessories or individual statement pieces in rich colors. Who knows, maybe I’ll dare an all-over color look in December 2023!

Lisa Marie, Deputy Head of Fashion & Beauty Department


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