Fast & Furious 10: Are Letty and Cipher Cyborgs? Fan theory isn’t all that unlikely


“Fast & Furious 10” presents us with an impressive fight between Letty and Cipher. Can their superhuman achievements be explained by the fact that they are cyborgs?

Fast & Furious 10: Letty targets Cipher (Source:

  • Between big explosions and space trips, there’s still room for the occasional ordinary brawl in the Fast & Furious series.
  • But even a fist fight is no longer really common in the almost universe, as the current duel between Letty and Cipher shows.
  • Fans are now sure: It’s not two normal women fighting here, but cyborgs!

“Fast & Furious 10” already announced in the trailer a merciless fight between Letty and Cipher, which should do without roaring engines or other aids. A simple, woman vs. woman match that fans of the series have been waiting for.

In the finished film, Letty won the fight with Cipher only briefly out of action and both fighters doing exceptionally well – too well? Some fans assume that this is not a fight between two humans, but between two cyborgs!

More than just over the top

Of course, the battle between Letty and Cipher is over the top, but overdoing has become the fuel of the Fast & Furious series. The fight between Dom and Deckard Shaw in “Fast & Furious 7” wasn’t exactly realistic either, so why should one look for explanations for the extremely high stamina of the opponents right now?

One must remember that Letty was stabbed by Miss Nobody before waking up in a mysterious facility next to Cipher. Cipher was also brutally mauled by Dante before, but both women don’t seem to bear any traces of these injuries. How, where and for how long were they healed? Who knows!

The almost superhuman fight that follows, in which both women jump extremely high and are thrown through window panes without batting an eyelid, could indicate that Letty and Cipher were not just doctored, but modified.

Tuning is now also available for people

‘Hobbs & Shaw’ introduced the mysterious tech company Eteon, which would serve as a major threat to a sequel that never materialized. However, with Dwayne Johnson now returning to the general Fast series (and getting his own spin-off), the Eteon storyline could continue.

Vin Diesel revealed months ago that there will be an Elon Musk blend in the upcoming film whose views don’t fit Dom’s worldview. It is now possible that Eteon used Letty and Cipher as guinea pigs and turned them into cyborgs.

Whether Vin Diesel’s dream will be fulfilled and Robert Downey Jr. will embody the head of Eteon will probably only become clear in 2025, when “Fast & Furious 10 – Part 2” starts in cinemas. Also, the cyborg theory can’t be addressed until Letty or Cypher has been studied more closely or fight someone who is definitely not a cyborg.

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