FC Basel: Valentin Stocker ends his playing career

The FC Basel captain will no longer be active as a professional footballer after the end of this season. But Stocker remains in the club – with prospects as head of sports.

After X years in the club: Valentin Stocker will not continue playing.


cov. Valentin Stocker and FC Basel have a long history together. Even if the two announced the resignation of their former talent on Tuesday: the saga will continue. From next summer, the 33-year-old will not continue playing as a footballer. But he should stay in the club, as FC Basel writes in a press release.

After a break over the summer, the current captain will become assistant to the sporting director, which he will support in all areas. Behind this is a plan with a long-term perspective: Stocker is to be introduced to the position of sports director over a period of around two years of training and further education.

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