FC Bayern: Holger Broich reacts indignantly to allegations – “defamation”

Turmoil at the record champions
FC Bayern’s fitness coach defends himself against “defamation”

FC Bayern’s season has been marked not only by disappointing games, but also by many injuries. The Munich team was noticeably missing a large number of players at times. Criticism is coming in of the record champions’ fitness coach, who is now reacting sharply.

Bayern Munich’s fitness coach Holger Broich has responded with clear words to allegations that he was primarily responsible for the many injuries last season. Recently, media reported that the record champions were considering firing the assistant coach because players with muscle injuries were often absent in the disappointing and title-less 2023/24 season.

“The facts are clear: we haven’t performed well this year and we’ve had too many injuries,” the 49-year-old told “Kicker”. “But to single out one man and point the finger at him is very disappointing to me.” Companions like coaching icon Jupp Heynckes are backing him up. He also told “Kicker” that he thinks the debate about Broich is “unfair”. “Holger doesn’t deserve that.” He “always made his decisions in favor of the players, he knew how to assess the risk of injury for everyone in a prophylactic manner. That makes him exceptional, he is a luminary in his profession.”

Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt, legendary former team doctor of FC Bayern, also reacted “with absolute disappointment, even outrage” to the criticism of Broich. He is “a top expert. He does not deserve this negative treatment. As far as I can see, he is the best fitness trainer.”

“It’s too easy and too cheap”

The coach, who is listed as “Scientific Director and Head of Fitness” at Bayern, also said: “Where is the question of the responsibility of the entire team, the coaches, the doctors, the physiotherapists? I find it very disappointing to now pin everything on my name. That is slander.” If he is the only one “taking the blame” for the many absences, Broich added, “that is too easy and too cheap, we are a team.”

Last season, the Munich team was missing a noticeable number of players – some professionals even suffered more than one muscle injury during the season. Coach Thomas Tuchel repeatedly addressed this development publicly. As the “Kicker” now reported, referring to the team circle, Broich had warned internally that the kind of measured training ordered by Tuchel was dangerous.

The report also said that former Bayern coach Hansi Flick wanted to bring his former assistant Broich to Spain after signing with FC Barcelona. The doctor teaches as a professor at a Hamburg university and was considered a luminary in the sports scene for years.

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