Fed brings down Wall Street by announcing rapid tightening of monetary conditions

Has the American central bank (Fed) become (again) a “hawk”, in favor of a strict monetary policy to control inflation? This is what now believes Wall Street, which was panicked Wednesday January 5: the Nasdaq, rich in technology, fell 3.34%, while the S&P 500 index, representative of large American companies, lost 1.94%. Two-year rates, which generally reflect expectations of rate hikes, hit 0.83%, a record since March 2020, when the pandemic broke out.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers In the United States, the Federal Reserve begins to reduce its support for the economy

In question, the publication of the “minutes” of the Fed, the report of its last meeting, in mid-December 2021, which augurs a more important and faster tightening of monetary conditions to counter inflation, which reached 6, 8% over one year in November 2021. On the Federal Reserve’s program for 2022: by March, the end of purchases of treasury bills, which artificially kept long-term interest rates low to boost the economy; the possible increase in interest rates as of March; and, surprise, the reduction of the central bank’s balance sheet – in short, instead of injecting liquidity into the economy, the Fed could withdraw it.

Investors thought the US central bank was forever a ‘dove’, a supporter of easy money to boost growth and jobs

For months, operators did not take seriously the institution chaired by Jerome Powell. By dint of keeping its short-term key rates at zero since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, by dint of buying treasury bills without limits, investors thought that the American central bank was for eternity a ” dove ”, a supporter of easy money to boost growth and jobs. At its meeting in mid-December 2021, the Fed had already indicated that it would increase its interest rates three times in 2022. The dove was turning into a hawk, but the financial markets did not want to see it. , finding these measures hardly worrying: the party could continue on Wall Street. Until Wednesday January 5.

For weeks now, small technology stocks, overvalued on the stock market, have been particularly affected: they generally do not make short-term profits, and a rise in interest rates reduces the value of their hypothetical dividends. But on Wednesday, the tide turned, giant caps also fell, whether technological (Google lost 4.7%, while Microsoft and Facebook were down 3.6%) or more traditional (Goldman Sachs, – 2.2%, Nike, -2.5%). On the other hand, ultra-defensive stocks, with guaranteed turnover and profits in times of inflation and / or slowdown, ended up on the rise, such as Coca-Cola, Caterpillar (construction equipment), Procter & Gamble or Walgreens (pharmacy ).

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