Federal Council elections – Eva Herzog: meticulous, dossier-proof and very popular – News


The Councilor of States and former Basel Finance Director is considered by many to be the favorite to succeed Sommaruga.

Eva Herzog was part of the government in the canton of Basel-Stadt for 15 years. And not just as a member – the social democrat set the tone. That’s not what a party friend says, but Baschi Dürr from the FDP, who sat in government with Herzog for seven years: “She was the boss – that’s an open secret.”

However, the role of boss did not fall into the lap of the 60-year-old duke. She worked it out. Herzog was meticulous and diligent, according to Dürr: “She knows her dossiers. What she says makes sense.”

The historian in the finance department

The reasons that her meticulousness and fidelity to dossiers are attributed lie in the early days of her government activities. At that time, Herzog was sent to the finance department as a historian – many did not trust her to keep track of the numbers.


Dürr (3rd from right) sat in government with Herzog for seven years. He trusts her to be elected to the Federal Council: “She undoubtedly has the tools, has a lot of experience and assertiveness.”

Keystone/Georgios Kefalas/Archive

But Herzog, mother of two children who were still young at the time, got down to work and proved the doubters wrong. When she stepped down in 2019, her record was nearly flawless; it presented surpluses in the millions every year and continuously reduced debt in Basel-Stadt.

«The experience background is different»

Eva Herzog applied for the office of Federal Councilor 12 years ago, but she was defeated in an internal party decision. Now, on the second try, she feels even better prepared, says Herzog: “There are now 15 years in the executive and three years in the Council of States – that’s a different background experience than back then.”

Even her political opponents do not deny that she has the powers to be a member of the Federal Council. Once again Baschi Dürr: “She undoubtedly brings the tools with her, has a lot of experience, creative drive and assertiveness. If you accuse her of having hair on her teeth, then that’s certainly true – but that’s a characteristic of a successful Federal Councilor. »

Without a doubt, she brings the necessary tools with her, has a great deal of experience and assertiveness.

Dürr names a character trait of Herzog that some people interpret as a weakness during the election campaign. Because Herzog is sometimes seen as harsh in dealings and as ruthless when it comes to achieving her goals.

Her party friends from the SP, among others, had to feel this in 2016, when Herzog – against the will of the majority of her party – campaigned for the corporate tax reform 3 and with her bold demeanor also upset long-time companions.

Very popular in the home canton

One should not infer her personality from this hardness in the matter, says Lisa Mathys, party president of the SP Basel-Stadt. Eva Herzog is a very accessible, funny person – “that sometimes gets lost in public appearances.”

Man And Woman.


Eva Herzog in conversation with SVP National Councilor Albert Rösti. Both are considered favorites in the December 7 election.

Keystone/Alessandro della Valle

The fact that some media now say that competitor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider seems more likeable and relaxed does not upset Eva Herzog. A lot is now being written and spoken about this – but it is different in the hearings: “You are asked about factual topics. The content is important.”

There is no question that Eva Herzog is very popular in her home canton. Each time she was re-elected to government, she achieved by far the best result of all candidates.

The election for Simonetta Sommaruga’s successor will take place on December 7th. After 50 years, Herzog would be the first representative from Basel-Stadt to make it into the state government.

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