Federal Councilor Alain Berset explains to Germany how to fight the Swiss pandemic

It almost seems as if the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic has also spurred Swiss self-image. In winter, top European politicians pointed the threatening finger at Switzerland, opening the door to the virus with the opening of the ski slopes. It should turn out very differently. Today, “many Germans would look enviously at Switzerland,” writes the leading daily newspaper “World”. There was never a curfew there, and schools and ski slopes remained open after the first wave. Nevertheless, the Alpine republic is no worse off today. The responsible Minister of Health Alain Berset (49) explains the reasons for the Swiss special route in an interview.

In fact, the Swiss Sonderweg was a middle ground with measures that were among the loosest in Europe. At the beginning of the conversation, Berset is “modest” that it is not yet clear in every detail how well the Swiss way worked. Switzerland’s strong service sector also helped, which made it easier to move work to the home office. “Countries with strong industries like Germany,” says Berset, “have a different starting point.”